SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 115. 1910. 255 pertaining to the Seacoast Artillery; for repairing public buildings at military posts; for extra-duty pay to enlisted men and hire of employees; for rental of the authorized allowance of quarters for officers on duty with the troops at posts and stations where no public quarters are available; of barracks or authorized allowance of quarters for noncommissioned officers and enlisted men on duty where public quarters are not available; of grounds for cantonments, camp sites, and other military purposes, and of buildings or portions of buildings for occupation by troops, for use as stables, storehouses, and offices, and for other milrtary purposes; for the hire of recruiting stations and lodgings for recruits; for such furniture for the public rooms of ofIicers’ messes and for officers’ quarters at military posts, as may be approved by the Secretary of War; for wall lockers in permanent barracks and refrigerators in barracks and quarters; for screen doors, window screens, storm doors and sash, and window shades for barracks, offices, and quarters, and for flooring and fram- _ ing for tents: Provided, That no art of the"moneys so appropriated €Q$°$;",°,f;,m0,, ,.0. shall be paid for commutation of fide] or quarters to officers or enlisted °*’i?‘¥‘{¤S· men: Provided further, That the number of and total sum paid for C‘“h”‘"°mI’1°"°°S‘ civilian employees in the Quartermaster—General’s Department, _ including those paid from the fund appropriated for regular supplies, incidental expenses, barracks and quarters, army transportation, clothing, camp and garrison equipage, shall be limited to the actual requirements of the service, and that no employee ipaid therefrom shall receive a salary of more than one hundred and fty dollars per month, except upon the a proval of the Secretary of War, one million six hundred thousand six hundred and thirty-one dollars. , MILITARY rosr ,nxcnANom: For continuing the construction, equip- P<>¤¢¤¤c1¤¤¤s¤- ment, and maintenance of suitable buildings at milita posts and stations for the conduct of the post exchange, school, library, reading, lunch, amusement rooms, and mnasium, including repairs to buildings erected at private cost in tgz operation of the Act a proved V°r 8% P- 28*- May thirty—iirst, nineteen hundred and two, to be expended in the discretion and under the direction of the Secretary of War, seventy thousand nine hundred dollars: Provided, That not more than forty figfghm thousand dollars of the above appropriation shall be expended at ` anv one post or station. _ TRANSPORTATION or THE ARMY AND ITS SUPPLIES: For transporta- 'f¤‘•¤¤v•>¤¤**<>¤· tion of the army and its supplies, including transportation of the troops when moving either by land or water, and of their baggage, including the cost of packing and crating: Provided, That hereafter g<g;j>*Bmg·ge baggage in excess of regulation change o station allowances may be ' shipped with such allowances, and reimbursement collected for transportation charges on such excess; for transportation of recruitsand recruiting parties; of ap(plicants for enlistment between recruiting stations and recruiting epots; of persons on their discharge from the United States military prison to their homes (or elsewhere as they may elect), provided the cost in each case shall not be greater than to the place of last enlistment; of supplies furnished to the militia for the permanent e uipment thereof; of the necessary agents and other employees; of dlothinv and equipage and other quartermaster’s stores from army depots or pllaces of purchase or delivery to the several posts and army depots, and from those depots to the troops in the field; of horse equipments and of subsistence storesfrom places of purchase.and from the places of delivery under contract to such places as the circumstances of the service may require them to be mm, sent, and hereafter transportation may be furnished for the owned 0 hm"` horses of an officer, not exceeding the number authorized by law, _ from point of urchase to his station, when he would have been entitled to and did not have his authorized number of owned horses