SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. _. Ch. 140. 1910. 285 flour, beans, and potatoes, or other necessary articles of food (article twelve, same treaty), thirty thousand dollars; for ay of employees E'¤Pl°Y°¤· at the several Ute agencies, fifteen thousand dolllars; in ali; fifty- three thousand seven hundred and forty dollars. _ For straightening the Duchesne River within the limits of the town g'j_§{*°,j¤¢ mmsite of Duchesne, now Theodore, in the State of Utah, five thousand 8 mm" dollars, to be immediately available and to be reimbursed to the R°°°""‘°‘"" United States out of the proceeds of the sale of lands within the ceded V I m Uintah Indian Reservation opened to entry under the Act of May °'32’°' twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and two, including the sales of lots within said town site of Theodore. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereb authorized to pay from Umm Indians. the reclamation fund for the benefit of the {Jintah Indians the sum m£§{,§‘?§‘§§'¥§.{§§l§‘g of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre for the lands in the former g°¤d{,¤:§¤ *°*“§j;z;*’· Uintah Indian Reservation, in the State of Utah, which were set ny up ' apart by the President for reservoir and other purposes under the provisions of the Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and Vol.33,p.1069. ve, chaipgcer fourteen undred and seventy-nine, and which were by the retary of the Interior withdrawn for irrigation works under the provisions of the reclamation Act of June seventeenth, V0l.82,p.&8. nineteen hundred and two, in connection with the reservoir for the Strawberry Valley project. Such payment shall be made in five ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤» annual installments, and the moneys paid shall be subject to the same disposition as the proceeds of the sales of lands in the former Indian reservation. All such payments shall be included in the cost neimbummnr. of construction of said Strawberry Valley project to be reimbursed _ by the owners of lands therefrom, all receipts from said, lands, as rentals or otherwise, being credited to the said owners. All right, title, and interest of the Indians in the said lands are hereby extinguished, and the title management and control thereof shal pass to the owners of the lands irrigated from said project whenever the management and o ration of the irrigation works shall so pass unriler the tprms of the Iiieclamatipn Act. to th an ttéd I d U m occm etetefationsysemstoirriga e o ans ¤°°¤,*yg ,¤· or the u¤ci»mp¤hgr¤,riJ1i¤ah, and mia nam Um, in Utah, author. ‘¤?.‘Az.““" I “ "' ized under the Act of June twenty-first, nineteen hundred and six, 1,{,T,"‘°“" "“°“°° to be ex nded under the terms thereof and reimbursable as therein V°'-$*·v·¤¤ providedjeseventydive thousand dollars. That the provisions of section four of "An Act making alppropri- g;gBQ¥;g¤··~;$;,¤g:; ations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal extended ui)1a¤d•oI ear ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and ‘°§,'”§§Y,8_,,_m_ lbr other purposes," approved August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and the Act amendatory thereof, approved June V0l.29,p.434. eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninetly-six, respectively, be, and are hereby, extended over and shall app y to the desert lands included within the limits of the former Uintah Indian Reservation, in Utah, not included in any forest reservation: Pmvikled, That before a patent wmv. tb stm shall issue for any of the lands aforesaid under the terms of the said "”°° Y ' Act approved August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninetly- four, and amendments thereto, the State of Utah shall dpay into the Treasury of the United States the sum of one dollar an twengy-five cents per acre for the lands so patented, and the money so pai shall U°° °‘ "’°°‘*’*" be subject to the provision of "An Act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian epartment and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes for the fiscal year ending June t irtieth, nineteen hundred and three, and for other purnoses," approved May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and two. V°‘~”·¤’·’“ That no lands shall be included in any tract to be segregated under ‘*“"'°‘°’“"°"· the provisions of this Act on which the United States has valuable improvements or which have been reserved for Indian schools or farm uses or for other purposes.