SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 167, 168. 1910. 3]] "Person" includes a corporation or partnership or two or more ··Pemn.·· persons having a joint or common interest. To ‘ ‘purchase " includes to take as mortgagee or as pledgee. "T<> vumhm-"` "Purchaser" includes mortgagee and pledgee. "P¤¤=¤¤¤·¤¤—" "Receipt" means a warehouse receipt. ··1<eceip:.*· "Value" is any consideration sufficrent to support a simple con- "V¤1¤¤·" tract. An antecedent or reexisting obligation, whether for money or not, constitutes value where a receipt is taken either in satisfaction thereof or as security therefor. ‘ ‘Wa.rehouseman " means a person lawfully engaged in the business ··wmn¤¤¤eim¤.·• of sto goods for profit. Secdi-ig A thing IS done "in od faith " within the meaning of "I¤:<>¤¤f·i¢1¤-" this Act when it is in fact done dibnestly, whetherit be done negligently or not. . Sec. 59. Acr Dons Nor APPLY ·ro EXISTING 1:EcE1r··rs.—The pro- grigd receipts not visions of this Act do not apply to receipts made and delivered prior ° °° . to the taking;-affect of this Act. Sec. 60. OONSISTENT LEGISLATION REPEALED.——Al.l Acts or rucmmem 1•ws parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. '°*’°‘"°°‘ SEc. 61. Tum wnrm THE Acr TAKES EFrEo·r.—This Act shall Eaeec. take effect on the day of , nineteen hundred and . R Sec. 62. NAME or Ac*r.——This Act may be cited as the Warehouse rms. eceipts Act. Approved, April 15, 1910. CHAP. 168.-An Act For the erection of amemorial monument at Fort Becove , A U5·m°· Ohio. ry , [Public, No. 138.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRq>resentati’ves of tlae United States of Ameriea in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War pe.; Recovery. be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to erect a suitable me- 0*;}*;,,,0,.,,,, ,,,°,,,,_ morial monument on the unds at Fort Recovery Ohio, where lie mem rokgqiwn ¤;¤¤ buried the remains of (gdiieral Richard Butler; Colonel Oldham; $°iL‘i,i§’ii,1i¤f{’¤‘$’lqg'if Majors Ferguson, Hart, and Clark; Captains Bradford Phelon, Kirkwood, Price, Van Swearingen, Tipton, Purdy. Smith, l’iatt, Gaither, Crebbs, and Newman; Lieutenants Spear, 'arren, Boyd, McMath, Burgess, Kelso,Read, Little, Hopper, and Likens; Ensigns Cobb, Balch, Chase, Turner Wilson, Brooks, Beatty, and Purdy; Quartermasters Reynolds and iVard; Ad`utants Anderson and Doc. Grasson; twenty- three other officers; and] six hundred and thirty American soldiers who, while under the command of General Saint Clair, were slaughtered by the Indians of the Northwest Territory, at the battle of Fort Recover , Ohio, on the morning of November fourth, seventeen hundred andyninety-one. And also where lie buried the remains of Major McMahon, Captain Hartshorn, Lieutenant Craig, nineteen other commissioned and noncommissioned officers, and one hundred and twenty soldiers who, while under the command of Major McMahon, allantly defended Fort Recovery against the attacks of two thousand Indians and British soldiers on the thirtieth of June and the first of July, seventeen hundred and ninety-four. Sec. 2. That for the above purpose the expenditure of the sum of ·**’P'°P"°“°°· twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much of said sum as may be necessary, be hereby authorized. This sum shall be expended by direction _ of the Secretary of War, or such officeras he may designate: Provided, That the money hereby authorized shall he drawn from time to time only as may be required during the rogress of the `work and under the requisition of the Secretary of Vgarz And providedfertlaer, That oomnum. no part of said amount shall be expended until such time as the Secre-