324 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 174, 175. 1910 pimishrplents for infractions of the same, and to embody a clear definition of azing. ' c¤¤¤»m¤¤·¤¤»¤¤» "That any cadet who shall be charged with offenses under such regulations which would involve his dismissal from the academy shall ¤c¤ missal-mai an anycae Lsmissed om ac e o __ M » ra b° §"‘?.i‘“da “"°“ h.i“J3"“‘*" ’“‘l¥’“°’eE£'iZiib.l.y“£’iZ'*l °$li not theiieafter be reappointed to the corps of cadets nor bzdngigible · for appointment as a commissioned officer in the Army or Navzior iiarine Corps two years after the graduation of the class of w ch e was a mem r. Inconsistent laws “That all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of mm"' this Act are hereby repea,led." 1>i¤1>¤¤•1 of v¤¤¤i¤s The regulations of the United States Military Academy ulgln the °“°“ subject of hazing having been modified, the Secretary of ar is hereby authorized t0_ of any cases which are now pending, and m which final action as not yet been taken, under the provisions of the said regulations as modified. _ _ R,-Hum 'r<>rM1r y The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to permit Mr. Juan mztgéiim rei ia. igorrloella y I%Voone¥, of Culba, to recieive instruction alt aialhge Military °°·_ ca emy at est oint: at no expense s ca £>0g¥i>x餤¤· to the United States thereby, and that the said Juan Torroella y Rooney shall agree to comply with all regulations for the police and discipline of the academy, to be studious, and to give his utmost efforts to accorfzplish the courses in the various departments of oem me sa-vice. instruction: A provided further, That in the case of the said ,,_§··'°°“· ‘“’·”“*· Juan Torroella y Rooney the provisions of sections thirteen hundred and twenty and thirteen hundred and twenty-one of the Revised ¤¤¤¤¤¤?1P¤¤»¤¤¤ St?l‘tlil:cS shaiitbgfslggsgrimiis h by gr ted to th t i b ~ conse ss_ ere an _ e accep ance y ¤¤]ix`°2ilu° °f °m°°” officers of the army, in the discretion of the President, of such military details under the Governments of Cuba and Panama as may be
requestedallay the Presidents of these Republics: Provided, That such
aemiemm on py, deta1ls sh not exceed five in number: And promkled further, That - em. no officer so detailed shall receive anGy present, emolument, office, or title of any lgmd whatever from the overnment of Cuba or Panama. gggrigirggeg De n_ Hereafter in administering the Act of Congress approved February mem as to e»£°¤r twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled "An ’“"§‘g{;§f,Q‘”§,‘Q,{*'°· Act to provide for the relief of certain officers and enlisted men of the volunteer forccs," the decision of the War Department as to the right of any person to be held and considered to have been mustered into the service of the United States under the provisions of said Act shall be conclusive, and no'claims shall be allowed or considered under said Act after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and eleven. Approved, April 19, 1910. [P·?§F£E9g%§E I br§§§.aZE}01s';?‘i-;r;i&gaA1p1tél;1o¤ nA]1éansu Terminal Railroad to construct a ll C, O. . . _ Be·£¢emzctedQ:;t}:eSenateandHmzse0fR es tat' t}zeU `ted mii.gri.,ii.·niii]ei. Cim States of America in Congress assembled, Their; this Aiiaeiisajii Terriiinal gf§,,‘§,,§‘”,,,,,°;°,§§Q,‘,}‘,§} Railroad, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Texas, ¤*=¤¤¤mP¤$·'f*=¤- is hereby authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Morris and Cumming Channel, at a point suitable to the interests of navi tion, at or near Aransas Pass, in the county of San Patricio, in the gate of Texas, in accordance with the vo:. ai, p. at provisions of the_Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of . bridgfs olveré naséigable waters," approved March twenty-third, nineteen un re an six. “°°“d’”°°'~ Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, April 19, 1910.