328 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 183. 1910. R· SH Sy- 1961- P- 344- SEc_ 7, That section nineteen hundred and sixty-one of lJl16 R6ViS6d mifiii. can p. 1280, Statutes of the United States and section one hundred and seventy- _ '"°°"d°°‘ eight of the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and mnety-nine, be amended to read as follows: segments on ze- "It shall be unlawful to kill any female seal or any seal_less tha.n ?§° °' ’°“°“ °°°]°’ one year old at an season of the year, except as above provided; and it shall also be unlawful to kill any seal in the waters ad] acent to the Pribilof Islands, or on the beaches, cliffs, or rocks where they haul up P¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤*· from the sea to remain; and every plerson who violates the provisions of this or the preceding section s all be punished for each offense by a fine of not less than two hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and all vessels, their tackle, apparel, and furniture, whose crews are found enggged in the violation of gither or the preceding section shall foI`f61l'»6d to the United tates. $‘§,‘{°°'§,5, p_ M, Sec. 8. That section one of the Act of December twenty-ninth, ¤¤gi?1·;}§d·m in PW eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, be amended to read as follows: cme otgéu pirohib- "No citizen of the United States, nor person owing duty of obedi- “°d· ence to the laws or the treaties of the United States, nor any person belonging to or on board of a vessel of the United States, shall kill, capture, or hunt, at any time or in any manner whatever, any fur seal in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, meluding Be Sea and the sea of Okhotsk, whether in the territorial waters of the ilnited States or in the o en sea." · tpdmngngizgmwm Sm, 9, 'izhat the Secretary of Commerce and Labor shall have ° " °“° ° authorit to appoint such additional officers, agents, and employees as may lie necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act and the laws of the United States relating to the seal fisheries of Alaska, to P¤¤¢¤¤-S8 °f¤g¤¤¤f rescribe their duties and to Hx their compensation; he shall likewise present lesee, etc. . . have authority to purchase from the resent lessee of the right to take seals on the islands of Saint Paui) and Saint George, at a fair valuation to be aglreed upon, the warehouses, salt houses, boats, launches, lighters, orses, mules, wagons, and other property of the said lessee on the islands of Saint Paul and Saint Georglp, including Y{;¤i;¤tj,¤¤¤¤°*= 0* ds the dwellings of the natives of said islands; he shall li ewise have W ’ authority to establish and maintain depots for provisions and supplies on the Pribilof Islands and to provide for the transportation of such provisions and supplies from the mainland of the United States to the said islands by] the charter of private vessels or by the use of public vessels of the nited States which may be placed at his ,,§g,°d· °“·· “’ ““‘ dis osal by the President; and he shall likewise have authority to fur- " nisii food, shelter, fuel, clothing, and other necessaries of life to the native inhabitants of the Pribilof Islands and to provide for their comfort, maintenance, education, and protection. }g*g'¤;§c¥;?{§,$,“,,,;,972 Sec. 10. That sections nineteen hundred and sixty-two, nineteen pp.€wiié46.` ’ hundred and sixty-three, nineteen hundred and sixty-four, nineteen hundred and sixty-tive, nineteen hundred and sixty-six, nineteen hundred and sixty-seven, nineteen hundred and sixty-eight, nineteen hundred and sixty-nine, nineteen hundred and seventy, nineteen hundred and seventy-one, and nineteen hundred and seventy- two of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby re ealed. Elm" The provisions of this Act shall take effect from and after the first APP¥°P*'i*’“°“· day of May, nineteen hundred and ten; and there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act. Approved, April 21, 1910.