338 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 199. 1910. Switzerland, and Venezuela, at two thousand dollars each, thirty-six thousand dollars; _ Secretary of legatron to Salvador and consul-general to San Salvador, two thousand dollars; Secretary Bf legation to Siam and consul-general at Bangkok, two th d dollars; Sldggtmy of legation to Greece and Montenegro,_two thousand dollars; d Siecretary of Iegation to Paraguay and Uruguay, two thousand 0 MSS . . Secretary of legation and consul-general to Roumama, Servra, and Bulgaria, two thousand dollars; _ Secretary of legation to Persia, who shall be an American student of the language of that country, two thousand dollars; _ ¤¤¤¤¤¤=¤¤¤*¤*¤¤ Second secretaries of embassy to Austria-Hungary, Braarl, Great Britain, France, German_yi1Italy,i1lapan,d]!!§1§;co, an Russia, at two thousand dollars each eig teen thousand o_ ars; Second secretaries Jr legation to China and Guba, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, three thousand six hrmdred dollars; Second secretary of embass to Turkey, who shall be an American stuilent of the language of that court and country, two thousand dollars; '1'h¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Third secretaries of embassy to Great Britain, France, Mexico, Germany, Russia, at one thousand two hundred dollars each, six thousan ollars; . Third secretary of embassy to Japan, who shall be an American student of the Japanese language, one thousand two hrmdred dollars; Thrrd secretary of embassy to Turkey, who shall be an American student of the Trnkish language, one thousand two hundred dollars; 'gotal, oneii hundliied an twenty-eight thousand three hundred an seventy- ve dollars. sALA1ur:s or DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR orrrcnrzs w111Ln RECEIVING INSTRUCTIONS AND MAKING TRANSITS. m{¤g:ruc¤¤¤ and To pay the salaries of ambassadors, ministers, consuls, and other "" P"' officers of the United States for the (periods actually and necessarily occupied in receiving instructions an in making transits to and from their posts, and whr e awaitmi; recognition an authority to act, in B·&-¤¤=·¤"*°·P·¤*’°· ursuance of the rovisions o section seventeen hundred and fort P . , P Y of the Revised Statutes, so much as may be necessary for the iiscal year ending1June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, is hereby appropriatec . canmcs AT EMBASSIES AND LEGATIONS. C*°**¤°*·°‘“"“”*""· For the emplo ·ment of necessar * clerks at the embassies and le a- etc. .l J g tions, who, whenever hereafter appointed, shall be citizens of the United States, sixty-five thousand dollars. SALARIEB or INTERPRETERS ro EMBASSIES AND r.1roArr0Ns. I¤*¤’¤¤='·¤'* Interpreter to embassy to Turkey, three thousand dollars; d Shinese secretary, legation to China, three thousand six hundred o ars; Assistant Chinese secretary to the legation to China, to be appointed from the corps of student interpreters, two thousand dollars; hJapan§se sepretprryi Eng interpreter to embassy to Japan, three thousand six un e dollars; Assistant Japanese secretaiéy to the embassy to Japan, to be appointed from the corps of stu ent interpreters, two thousand dollars; Igtgrplreter to legatron and consulate-general to Persia, one thousan dollars;