4].4 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 248. 1910. repair of buildings and bridges, or any general or special engmeermg or construction work, and to incur all necessary engrneering and other expenses, exclusive of personal services, mcrdental to carrying on such work and necessary for the proper execution thereof; said aborers, skilled laborers, and mechanics to be employed to perform such work as may not be required by law to be done under contract, and to pay for such services and expenses from the appropriations under whrc such services are rendered and expenses incurred. _ gvmgi gr·g;¤;¤, 1%*1*; Sec. 3. That all horses, harness, and wagons necessary for use m Corlireririss ioners for 00]1I16ClZi0I1 SGWGI', Sl2I'B0lZ, O1' l‘08.(l W0l‘l(, 0I' OI1 C0r1ShI'l1Cl·l0I1 “°“‘¥· repair of buildings and bridges, or any general or special eng1neeru§ or construction work authorized by appropriations may purchase , hired, and maintained exclusively to carry into effect said appropriations, when specifically and in writinglordered by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia., and all suc expenditures necessary for the proper execution of said work, exclusiye of personal services, shall be pai from and eguitably charged agamst the sruns appropriated for R¤P¤¤· said work; and the Commissioners of the District in the annual estimates shall report the number of horses, wagons, and harness purchased, and horses and wagons hired, and the sums paid for same, and out of what appro riation, and all horses owned or maintained by the District shall, so {Er as may be practicable, be provided for in stables m'°;,nde, C°m_ owned or operated by said District E Promkled, That such horses, museum. wagons, and carts as may be temporarily needed for hauling and excavating material m connection wrt works authonzed by appropriations may be temporarily employed for such pur·poses under the conditions named in section two of this Act in relation to the employment of laborers, skilled laborers, and mechanics. _ }';f,‘;'m'§’””"},“,j‘;,f;_ Sec. 4. The services of draftsmen, levelers, rodmen, chainmen, and mm. ew inspectors temporarily required in connection with water-department work authorized by appropriations may be employed exclusively to carry into effect said_ appropriations, and be paid therefrom, when specrfically and in writing ordered lg the Commissioners of the Dis- Repcrt trict, and the Comrmssioners of the istrict in their annual estimates shall report the number of suchemployees performin such services uma. and their work and the sums paid to each: Promkled? That the ex- ,,,_l,g"i""""‘ °‘*’°“‘“` nditures hereunder shall not exceed ten thousand dollars during the hslcal year nineteen hundred and eleven. m§;'8’;;§w;;¤d¤* °°¤=· The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are further author- Temporary uber- ized to employ temporarily such laborers, skilled laborers, and me- °"• °°°‘ chanics as may be required in connection with water-department work, and to incur all necessary engineering and other expenses, exclusive of personal servicesjncidental to carrying on such work and necessary for the proper execution thereof, said laborers, skilled laborers, and rnechanres to be employed to perform such work as may not be required by existing law to be done under contract, and to pay for such services and expenses from the appro riation under which such services are rendere and expenses incurred). ,uQg§°°"¤¤°°¤¤ tml _ Srzc. 5. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorprxpgmparggrmm. ized to employ m_the execution of work the cost of which is payable ° ’*" from the appropriation account created in the District appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, approved A ril twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and four, and known as the "l\liis— cellaneous trust—fund deposits, District of Columbia," all necessary inspectors, overseers, foremen, sewer tappers, skilled laborers, mechanics, laborers, special policemen stationed at street-railway crossin , one inspector of gas iittirig, two j anitors for laboratories, of the Wagington and Georgetown as Light companies, market master, assistant market master, watchman, and one laborer for the wholesale producers’ market, horses, carts, and wagons, and to incur all necessary expenses incrdental to carrying on such work and necessary for the