SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 258. 1910. 447 body or detached tracts, to the end that- homesteaders may be provided with both agricultural and pastoral lands wherever there is demand therefor; nor shall the ownership of a residence lot or tract, ,,,},‘,§§},‘s" °’ "“*d°¤°° not exceeding three acres in area, hereafter disqualify any citizen ` from applying for and receiving any form of homestead entry, including a homestead lease. "All lands in the possession, use, and control of the Territory shall ,,§,‘§,“,§f“'§§Q?“§,f,b,§g hereafter be managed by the commissioner, except such as shall be l¤¤¤¤· ’ set aside for public purposes as hereinafteigxprovrded; all sales and other dispositions of such land shall be m e by the commissioner or under is direction, for which purpose, if necessary, the land may be transferred to his department from any other department b direction of the governor, and all patents and deeds of such land shall issue from the office of the commissioner, who shall countersign the same and keep a record thereof. Lands conveyed to the Territory 1,§”,§“'°“"°h““g°d in exchange for other lands that are subject to the land laws of Hawaii, as amended by this Act, shall, except as otherwise provided, have the same status and be subject to such laws as if they had _ » previously been public lands of Hawaii. All orders setting aside ,,,{$°,§§‘ff";,‘,§‘§;,‘0§‘,;‘,;_‘°" ands for forest or other public purgioses, or withdrawing the same, shall be made by the governor, and ands while so set aside for such purposes maiy be managed as may be provided by the laws of the erritory. he commissioner is hereby authorized to perform any m§§§,tQ,"Q}l}’ °f °°'“' and all acts, prescribe forms of oaths, and, with the approval of the governor and said board, make such rules and regulations as may be necessary and roper for the pugmse of carryi the provisions of this section and) the land laws of awaii into ful%>rce and effect." Sec. 6. That section eighty-four of said Act is hereby amended to ju¤,g};¤ggl{{*r$)¤;¤¤¤¤ of readsas follovyisli h H d uygrhedfi, ii. im, " nc. 84. at no rson s a sit as a `u ge or 'uror in an case in 6,,,,,,,,;;, ,,,,_ cx, which his relative bypeaflinity or by conganguinitiy within the third *¢¤¤¤<¤- degree is interested, either as a plamtiif or defendant, or in the issue - of which the said judge or juror has, either directly or through such relative, any pecuniary interest; nor shall any person sit as a judge in any case in which he has been of counsel or on an appeal from any decision or judgment rendered by him, and the legislature of the Aaaumu wma. Territory may add other causes of disqualification to those herein enumerated} Sec. 7. That section ninety-one of said Act is hereby amended to {’,§’,{f'*°§}'f’*’°,,f"'·,5,,_ read as follows: ¤*¤¢¤d¤d· "Sec. 91. That, except as otherwise provided, the public property ,,,Q{,§.’;,f‘“‘°"°" ‘° T"' ceded and transferred to the United States by the Republic o Hawaii V<>¤· 30. x>·76¤· under the joint resolution of annexation. approved July seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be and remain in the ossession, use, and control of the government of the Territory of lilawaii, and shall be maintained, managed, and cared for by it, at its own expense, until otherwise provided for by Congress, or taken for the uses and purposes of the United States by direction of the President or of the ovemor of Hawaii. And any such public Prfgggg °‘ *°¤*°*°" property so taken for the uses and puréposes of the United States may ` e restored to its previous status by irection of the President; and m§,§,$`§geg>”P°"¥‘°’ the title to any such public property in the possession and use of the ` Territory for the purposes of water, sewer, electric, and other public works, penal, charitable, scientific, and educational institutions, cemeteries, hospitals, parks, highways, wharves, landings, harbor rmprovements, public buildings, or other public purposes, or required for any such pur oses, may be transferred to the Territory by direc- _ tion 0 the Presidlent, and the title to any property so transferred to c,,,T§‘,,'{,’*g,?,’?,iI,‘{,&’°'i°` the Territory ma thereafter be transferred to an city, county, or other political subdivision thereof by direction of tie governor when thereunto authorized by the legislature?