SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909. 25 137. On all iron or steel bars or rods of whatever shape or section Mg§§§§£g§QEag5;gc. which are cold rolled, cold drawn, cold hammered, or polished in *“g$figf;f{gg*§g8d- any way in addition to the ordinary process of hot rolling or hammer-` ing, there shall be paid one-eighth of one cent per pound in addition to the rates provided in this section on bars or rods of whatever section or shape which are hot rolled; and on all strips, plates, or sheets of iron or steel of whatever shape, other than the polished, lanished, or glanced sheet-iron or sheet-steel hereinbefore provided ibr, which are cold hammered, blued, brightened, tempered, or polished by any process to such perfected surface finish or olish etter than the grade of cold ro ed, smoothed only, hereinlgefore provided for, there shall be paid four-tenths of one cent per pound m addition to the rates provided in this section upon plates, strips, or sheets of iron or steel of common or black finish of corres ondmg gauge or value; and on steel circular saw plates there shall qw paid ¤i¤=¤1¤¤¤w Pl°*°S· one-fourth of one cent per pound in addition to the rates provided in this section for steel plates. 138. No allowance or reduction of duties for artial loss or damage mg? eQ§°W**¤°° *°' in consequence of rust or of discoloration shail be made upon any` descri tion of iron or steel, or upon any article wholly or partly maquiisctured of iron or steel, or upon any manufacture of iron or stee . c 139. All metal produced from iron or its ores, which is cast and g1.Eg°gi1°°§;°l§;Zi?’°t°" malleable, of whatever description or form, without regard to the percentage of carbon contained therein, whether produced by cementation, or converted, cast, or made from iron or its ores, b the crucible, Bessemer, Clapp-Griffith, -pneumatic, Thomas-Gilchrist, basic, Siemens-Martin, or open—hearth process, or by the equivalent of either, or by a combination of two or more of the processes, or their equivalents, or by any fusion or other process which produces from iron or its ores a metal either granular or fibrous in structure, which is cast and malleable, excepting what is known as malleable- M iing gggaagg, ghgu be gagged mi) denominated gg gtggi. g.:..".,';.‘;f.2·.?‘“"’“ °‘ 140. Anvils of iron or steel, or of iron and steel combined, by what- ’“"“s· ever process made, or in whatever stage of manufacture, one and l;ive—eighths cents per ound. , 141. Automobiles, lisicycles, and motorcycles, and finished parts A“‘°‘“°*’“°¤·°‘°· of an of the foregoing, not including tires, forty-five per centum ad valrorem. 142. Axles, or parts thereof, axle bars, axle blanks, or forgings Axlesfor axles, whether of iron or steel, without reference to the stage or state of manufacture, not otherwise provided for in this section, valued at not more than six cents per pound, three-fourths of one _ cent er pound: Provided, That when iron or steel axles are imported f.-`{{{'§§";,, W,m,,,_ fitted,) in wheels, or parts of wheels, of iron or steel, they shall be dutiable at the same rate as the wheels in which they are fitted. 143. B1acksmith’s hammers and sledges, track tools, wedges, and m§}g$§gm“h’=* h·¤¤· crowbars, whether of iron or steel, one and three-eighths cents per ’ ` ouncl. P 144. Bolts, with or without threads or nuts, or bolt blanks, and B°“’*·°°°· finished hinges or hinge blanks, whether of iron or steel, one and oneeighth cents per ound. 145. Card clothing not actually and permanently fitted to and Cm °‘°‘h“‘g· attached to carding machines or to parts thereof at the time'of importation, when manufactured with round iron or untempered round steel wire, twenty cents per square foot; when manufactured with tempered round steel wire, forty-five cents per square foot; when manufactured with plated wire or other than round iron or steel wire, or with felt face, wool face, or rubber face cloth containing wool, fifty-five cents per square foot. _ 14% Cast·ii·on pipe of every description, one—fourth of one cent per C”*·*’°¤ P*P°· poun .