Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/55

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SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909. 31 ing not more than fifteen per centum of silicon, five dollars per ton; M€§“‘{*;,frQ,‘;*é§a§l·u,ac_ ferrosilicon containing more than fifteen per centum of silicon, tms0i—cc¤a¤uea. twenty er centum ad valorem. _ 185. §ickel, nickel oxide, allo of any kind in which nickel is a N1°k°l‘ _ component material of chief valrue, in pigs, ingots, bars, rods, or plates, six cents per pound; sheets or strips, thirty-ve per centum ad valorem. . 186. Pens metallic, except gold pens, twelve cents per gross; P°““· with nib and barrel in one iece, fifteen cents per gross. 187. Penholder tips, pe£1olders and parts thereof, five cents per ,,.,];§f‘§§_1d""' wd gross and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; gold pens, twenty- ve per centum ad valorem; fountain pens, stylographic pens, thirty per centum ad- valorem ; combination penho ders, comprising penhol er, pencil, rubber eraser, automatic stam , or other attach- _ ment, forty per centum ad valorem: Prwwkled, 'llixat pens and pen- m9um_ holders shall be assessed for duty separately. _ 188. Pins with solid headsi without ornamentation, including hair, H"' safety, hat, bonnet, and shawl pins; any of the foregoing composed whol y of brass, copper, iron, steel, or other base metal, not plated with gold or silver, and not commonly known as jewelry, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Q . km 189. Quicksilver, seven cents per pound. The flasks, bottles, or riZl§°x¤,§$f other vessels in which quicksilver is imported shall be subject to the · same rate of duty as they would be subjected to if imported empty. 190. Tungsten-bearing ores of all kinds, ten per centum ad valorem. T““€“*°“ °"°*‘· 191. 'lgpe metal, one and one-half cents per pound on the lead T"P°““‘“”’°“°°‘“*· containe therein; new types, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 192. Watch movements, including time—detectors, whether im— e,§“**°h m°*Z°¤¤°¤*¤· ported in cases or not, if having not more than seven jewels, seventy ` cents each; if having] more than seven jewels and not more than eleven jewels, one do ar and thirty-five cents each; if havinug more than eleven jewels- and not more t an fifteen jewels, one do ar and eighty-five cents each; if having more than fifteen and notmore than seventeen jewels, one dollar and twenty-five cents each and twenty- five per centum ad valorem; if having more than seventeen jewels, three dollars each and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; watch cases and parts of watches, chronometers, box or ship, and parts thereof, forty per centum ad valorem; lever clock movements having C]°°k" °°°‘ jewels in the esca ement, and clocks containing such movements, one dollar each and flirty per centum ad valorem; all other clocks and parts thereof, not otherwise provided for in this section, whether separately packed or otherwise, not composed wholly or in chief value of china, porcelain, arian, bisque, or earthenware, forty per centum ad valorem; all jewelis for use in the manufacture of watches or clocks, ten per centum ad valorem; enameled dials for watches or other instruments, three cents er dial and forty per centum ad valorem: _ Provided, That all watch and clock dials, whether attached to 0, 0,,,,,,,,, movements or not, shall have indelibly painted or printed thereon ¤*°~» *°b•=¤¤·¤k¤d- the country of origin, and that all watch movements, lever clock movements with jewels in the escapement, and cases of foreign manufacture shall have the name of the manufacturer and country of manufacture cut, engraved, or die-sunk conspicuously and indelibly on the plate of the movement and the inside of the case, respectively, and _ the movements shall also have marked thereon by one of the methods ,,“I§{““‘b°' °f ’°"`°lS· indicated the number of jewels and adjustments, said number to be expressed both in words and in Arabic numerals; and none of the aforesaid articles shall be delivered to the importer unless marked in exact conformity to this direction. 193. Zinc»bearing ore of all kinds, including calamine, containing mm °t°‘ less than ten per centum of zinc, shall be admitted free of duty; contaming ten per centum or more of zinc and less than twenty per cen-