548 SIXTY·I•`IRS’1‘ CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 309. 1910. · authorizing any common carrier within the terms of this Act to charge or receive as great compensation for a shorter as for a longer mam;. distance: Promkicd, hmvevcr, That upon application to the Interstate ,,,‘&“°°°m”°°°i°l Commerce Commission such common carrier may in special cases, after investigation, be authorized by the commission to charge less for longer than for shorter distances for the transportation of passe rs or property ;_ and the commission may from time to time premai; the extent to which such designated common carrier may be Tem°j>¤¤rv¤¤¤?¤¤· relieved from the operation of this section: Provided further, hat °°°° °”°°°°m °°' no ratfs or clgrgeslg.]wirf;)rclly existirég at tlglge time ofltllre passage 0; tlgs amen ato ct s re uire to c ange y reason o the provisionsrbf this section prilir to the expiration of six months after appiicauenuor the passage of this Act, nor in any case where application shall have °”“‘*“· been filed before the commission, in accordance with the provisions of this section, nmtil a determination of such application by the commission. ccmpemmn wm;. "Whenever a carrier by railroad shall in com tition with a water "'°I,°f’c,,‘§,Y,f‘§ mam route or routes reduce the rates on the carriage ofgsny species of freight ¤•¤¤¤¤‘¤¤*=°¤¤· to or from competitive pxoints, it shall not be permitted to increase such rates unless after earing by the Interstate Commerce Com- · mission it shall be found that such proposed increase rests upon changed conditions other than the e imination of water competition. v mamma of mes. Sec. 9. That section six of said Act to regulate commerce, as here- °*$,,,_ gg m,v,,]_ tofore amended, is herel}y now amended by adding four new para- § n =§'d_¤*· 3% P- graphs at the end thereo , as follows: 8;,,,,,,,,,, M, 8,,,, "The commission may reject and refuse to file any schedule that i]:s';g_¤¤¤*¤ ·*¤¤¤¤> is tendered for filing which does not provide and give lawful notice of its effective date, and any schedule so rejected by the commission shall be void and its use shall be unlawful. r··e¤•.1¢y my iam- "In case of failure or refusal on the part of any carrier, receiver, °°m§§,{,‘;“°°,,§{,‘,‘Q‘ or trustee to comply with the terms of any re ulation ado ted and resui s. v . g . P emorccmminien. promulgated or any order made by the commission under the provisions of this section, such carrier, receiver, or trustee shall be liable to a penalty of five hundred dollars for each such offense, and twenty- five ollars for each and every day of the continuance of such offense, which shall accrue to the Unite States and may be recovered in a civil action brought by the United States. Penney grhkigns "If any common carrier subject to the provisions of this Act, after
- ¢giii$iiii1i1pm¢¤¢.°8 written request made upon the agent of such carrier hereinafter in
this section referred to, by any person or company for a written statement of the rate or charge applicable to a described shipment between stated places under the schedules or tariffs to which such carrier is a party, shall refuse or omit to give such written statement within a reasonable time, or shall misstate in writing the applicable rate, and if the person or company making such request suffers damage in consequence of such refusal or omission or in consequence of the misstatement of the rate, either through making the shipment over a line or route for which the proper rate is higher than the rate over another available line or route, or through entering into any sale or other contract whereunder such person or company obligates himself or itself to make such shipment of freight at his or its cost, then the said carrier shall be liable to a penalty of two hundred and fifty dollars, which shall accrue to the United States and may be recovered m a civil action brought by the United States. Natmglg ,.,§£: _ "It shall be the duty of every carrier by railroad to keep at all g§°é¤,&e,ghg’;‘,',‘¤0n_ times conspicuously posted in every station where freight is received for transpqptation abc name oflan agent resident in the citv, village, or town w ere suc station is ocated, to whom a lication ma made for the infomation by this section required iii) be furnished gi