584 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 318, 319. 1910. V°l· “- P- wg- of entries under the Act approved February nineteenth, nineteen hundred and nine, entitled "An Act to provide for an enlarged home- {Z‘,T;'Y.,i§'{_;,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,; stead:” Provided, That those who have initiated non-mineral entries, ¤¤¤’i°¤- selections, or locations in good faith, prior to the passage of this Act, K on lands withdrawn or classified as coal lands may perfect the same under the provisions of the laws under which said entries were made, but shall receive the limited dpatent provided for in this Act. · u:,g¤;§'f,';'*;*;,¤,;,*°°°°‘° Sec. 2. That any (person esiring to make entry under the home- ' stead laws or the esert—land law, any State desiring to make selection under section four of the Act of August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, known as the Carey Act, and the Secretaiéy of the Interior in withdrawing under the Reclamation Act lan s classified as coal lands, or valuable for coal, with a view of securing or passing title to the same in accordance with the provisions of said Acts, shall state in the application for entry, selection, or notice of withdrawal that the same is made in accordance with and subject to the provisions and- reservations of this Act. _ w§}",§;‘{’,,,_'° ‘“°"° SEO. 3. That u n satisfactory proof of full comlpliance with the provisions of the Ewa under which entry is made, an of this Act, the “ entryman shall be entitled to a patent to the land entered by him, which ` patent shall contain a reservation to the United States of all the coal in the lands so Ttented, tolgpther with the right to prospect for, mine, ' 1>i¤v¤¤¤1 ¤f ¤¤•\ da- and remove the same. e coal deposits in such lands shall be subject ’°’"‘ . to disposal by the United States in accordance with the provisions of _ Envy mr p¤>•P¤=¥· the coal-land laws in force at the time of .such disposal. Any person ”"‘ °°°` qualified to ac uire coal deposits or the right to mine and remove the coal under theqlaws of the United States shall have the right, ateall times, to enter upon the lands selected, entered, or patented, as provided by this Act, for the purpose of prospecting for coal thereon upon the approval by the Secretary of the Interior of a bond or undertaking to be filed with him as security for the payment of all damages to the crops and improvements on such lands by reason of such prosoxxw w ¤¤f•¤¤ pecting. Any person who has acquired from the United States the coal deposits in any such land, or the right to mine or remove the same, may reenter and occupy so much o the surface thereof as may be required for all purposes reasonably incident to the mining and removal of the coal therefrom, and mine and remove the coal, upon payment of the damagies caused thereby to the owner thereof, or upon giving agood and su cient bond or undertaking in an action insti- Qgfgqwdommc tuted m any competent court to ascertain and tix said damages: Pro- ¤=¤· vided, That the owner under such limited patent shall have the right to mine coal for use upon the land for domestic purposes at any time prior to the disposal by the United States of the coal de its: Prowiiiiiii¤$;§:i’€;?.$f videdfurther, hat nothing herein contained shall be helm deny or ¤¤¤¤¤¤s abridge the right to present and have prompt consideration of applications to locate, enter, or select, under the land laws of the United States, lands which have been classified as coal lands with a view of disproving such classification and securing a patent without reservation. Approved, June 22. 1910. June 22. 1910. CHAP. 319.—An Act Authorizin the x n . [H" K 1°°“°·] west from Wisconsin avenue to the gistrici liiiifw of M””°b“”°““ avenue north [Public, No. 2B.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRey1>resentatives 0 the United b,£"“"°* °‘ C°‘°m· States of Ameriea Clmgress assembled, That, under andf in accorduggaxicgvgsgits me ance with the provisions of subchapter one of chapter fifteen of the Cgudgmqjng 1,,,,.1 Code_of Law for the District of Columbia, the Commissioners of the
- °§,gfg;*'dl;f*{=$,$*°· District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed
to institute in the supreme court of the District of Columbia a proceeding in rem to condemn the land that may be necessary for the