596 r SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 360, 361. 1910. litigation arising)from any obstruction or allc-aged obstruction to navigation created y the construction of any am under this Act the cause or question arising may be tried before the circuit court of the . Unéted Statgs in any district 111 which any portion of sa1d obstruction or am touc es. m}2¤° *°' °°“**'“°‘ "SEc. 6. That whenever Congress shall hereafter by law authorize the construction of any dam across any of the navigable waters of the United States, and no time for the commencement and completion of such dam is named in said Act, the authority thereby granted shall cease and be null and void unless the actual construction of the dam authorizedin such Act be commenced within one year and com- ‘ pleted within three years from the date of the passage of such Act. m§§,’§,_*° °1”°’· °“‘·· NSec. 7. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved as to any and all dams whic may be constructed in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and the United States ' shall incur no liability for the alteration, amendment, or repeal thereof to the owner or owners or any other persons interested in any dam which shall have been constructed in accordance with its provisions. ..p(;;§S‘g;;,¥§,f,§l§fm_9? "SEc. 8. That the word ‘persons’ as used in this Act shall bepconstrued to import both the singular and the plural, as the case demands, and shall include corporations, companies, and associations. The word ‘dam’ as used in this Act shall be construed to import both the singular and the plural, as the case demands." Approved, June 23, 1910. _ Junez, 1910. . CHAP. 361.—An Act Making aptpropriations for fortifications and other works of [H·K·1'75°°·l defense, for the armament thereof, or the procurement of heavy ordnance for trial
and service, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United rmguaesaomappre States of America in Congress assembled, 'Izhrat the sums of money P"”'°°°°‘ herein provided for be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, out g of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be available until expended, namely: FORTIFICATIONS AND OTHER VQORKS OF DEFENSE. mgpgineer Depart- UNDER THE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. rireccnusr as- For construction of fire—control stations and accessories, including “°“ purchase of lands and rights of wa , and for the purchase and installation of necessary lines and means oflhlectrical communication, including telephones, dia and other telegraphs, wirin and all special instruments, apparatus, and materials, coast signal; apparatus, and salaries of electrical experts, engineers, and other necessary employees con- R¤¤s¤ ¤¤<i¤¤¤.¢¤¤· nected with the use of coast artillery; for the purchase, manufacture, and test of range finders and other instruments for fire control at the fortifications, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, two hundred thousand dollars. semnrrgnm. For purchase and installation of searchlights for the defenses of our most imlportant harbors, fifty thousand djlars. Preservation, em. For the protection, preservation, and repair of fortifications for Klhich thergle {pay be no special appropriation available three hundred ousan dollars. Plans.- For preparationof plans for_for·tifications, five thousand dollars. m°°*¤° Plame For too s, electrical and engine supplies and appliances, to be furnished by the (Engineer Department, for the use of the troops for maintaining an operatin e ectric light and ower lants in mortar batteries, fortydivi thousandgdollarsp P gun and rm-peapsrmctmes. For preservation and repair of structures erected for the torpedo defense of the United States, twenty thousand dollars. Q