SIXTYZFIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 382. 1910. 659 of land which will be reclaimed or rotected by revetment or other ` work done by the United States exclusively. _ The Chief of Engineers, under the direction of the Secretary of War, b°§f__P:lj*;1*g*;¤e[, *0*** IS herebfy, authorized to design and construct two experimental tow- r Z ` boats o modern but different types, with a complement of suitable barges and necessary loading an unloading facilities for towing and delivering supplies a ong the Mississippi River and its tributaries, and in making designs for such boats the said Chief of Engineers shall mvestigate and consider types of boats in use for similar purposes on nontidal rivers in this and other countries, and for the purposes of such investigation, designs, and construction there is hereby appropriated the sum of Eve hundred thousand dollars. _ Improving Mississippi River from the mouth of the Ohio River to nii;ri°ixi1sS(ii]$a.0m° t° and including the mouth of the Missouri River: Continuing improvement in accordance with the plan adopted in eighteen hundred and eighty-one, which has for its object to eventually obtain by re lariza— m§,Q’,§*" *° b° °"‘ tion works and by dredging a minimum depth of eight feet giim the ` mouth of the Ohio River to Saint Louis, and of six feet from Saint . Louis to the mouth of the Missouri River, and with a view to the com- · pletnon of sa1d improvement within a period of twelve years, five undred thousand ollars. Improving Mississippi River from the mouth of the Missouri River w1"L;°u*}m2*° lfgimmi to Mmneapolis, Minnesota: Continuing improvement in accordance p° ` with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Three hundred and forty-one, Fifty-ninth Congress, second session, for the purpose of ultimately securing and maintaining a depth of channel of ***1****- six feet and with a view of completing said im rovement within a period of twelve years, five hundred thousand dollars: Provided, gygggnuce of hat of this amount so much as may be necessary, not to exceed isms. seventy-five thousand dollars, may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be expended for the repair and maintenance of existing levees constructed by the United States and for dredging for the benefit of through navigation in harbors and at landing places, gving preference to localities in which the communities interested s all hereafter maintain such dredging without cost to the United States. Improving Mississippi River, from Saint Paul to Minneapolis: mg¤*¤l¤,_P¤¤¤ to Min- The modilied project recommended by the Chief of Engineers in his mwiinéu pmim. report dated lt arch third, nineteen hundred and ten, printed in House Document Numbered Seven hundred and forty-one, Sixty-first Con- ’ gress, second session, is hereby adopted, and all futurework on sa1d improvement shall be prosecuted in accordance therewith: Promded, {{T,$§f’,;0wc,,ems_ That in the making of leases for water power a reasonable com ensation shall be secured to the United States, and the rates as fixed shall be subject to revision by Congress. _ _ _ _ ` Improving Mississippi River in Minnesota: Improving reservoirs ,,,§§§,§f"°”’ °* ’*°**“‘ at the headwaters of the Mississippi River: Completing improvement by constructin a canal between Lake Winnibigoshish and Leech Cm'- Lake in accor<Iance with the re ort submitted in House Document Numbered Three hundred and) sixty-three, Sixty-first Congress, second session, sixty-one thousand two hundred dollars. Eminem to cmd Im roving Mississip i River in Minnesota, between Brainerd and iupxaq. Grand) Rapids: Com li-ating improvement in accordance with the report submitted in iflouse Document Numbered Six hundred and seven, Sixtyflirst Congress, second session, twenty-two thousand live hundred and fifty-ve dollars. _ Waterway from For the construction of a waterway from Lockport, Illinois, by I.pckport,_Ill.,to me way of the Des laines and Illinois rivers to the mouth of said Illinois “'S;‘P*;‘rl_§";°;·be K River, one million dollars. The Secretary of War shall a oint a poniiea. V board of five members, to be composed of four engineer oiiibers of _ the army and one civil engineer taken from civil life. The president $'j";°“‘· um of the board of five members authorized under Act of Marc second, °' ’°' '