SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. on. ess, 1910. 701 _ upon the deferred ayments. Other costs which may arise in the said proceedings shall £e(paid as the court may direct. That w enever an as title to the several arcels of such real estate i P¤¥g¤¤¤¢¤¤ ¤¢q¤irshall be amginred as aforesaid and the same slifall be ready for delivery ng ti °` and the su ciency thereof shall be certified by the Attorney-General of the United States, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed, upon the requisition of the said Secretary of the Interior, to pay mto court the condemnation price bf suchproperty, parcel by parcel. . That the public lpark authorized and established by this Act shall ¤¤¤¤¤>1.¤¢¤- become a part of the park pystem of the District of Columbia and be under the control of the hief of Engineers of the United States Army. Sec. 37. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, §_;·¤_g;;P}¤{k._g>-¤- and they are hereby, authorized and directed to acquire for a park, ce¤r§i»;¤wn° xiéigiiiii by pure asc or condemnation, the tract of land known as Montrose, ““;,’;f,“;°‘};,05 lying immediately north of Road or R street and east of Lovers lane, ` ` on Georgetown Heights, containing sixteen acres, more or less, at an expense not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and ,,{f§§§g’,{’"““°“ ’“" for that purpose the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars is hereby authorized, payable one-half out of the revenues of the District of Columbia and one-half out of any mone in the Treasury not otherwise approppiated: Provided, That one-hall of the said sum ggfggém mmm of one hundred and ty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may revenues be ex nded, shall be reimbursed to the Treasury of the United States out oixthe revenues of the District of Columbia, in four equal annual installments, with interest at the rate of three per centum per annum ulpon the deferred payments: And prmnkled further, That one-half of M¤·*¤°¤¤·¤¤¢·¢*¤— t e sum that· shall be annually appropriated and expended for the ` maintenance and im(provement of said ands as a public park shall be charged against an paid out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, in the same manner now provided by law in re?ect to other appropriations for the District of Columbia, and the other half shall be appropriated out of the Treasury of the United States. If said ,,§§'§$;,,'f“'“"“°" ""* commissioners shall be unable to urchase said land at a price not exceeding the sum of one hundred) and fifty thousand dollars, then they shall proceed to ac uire said land in the manner prescribed for , providing a site for an addition to the Government Printing Office in so much of the Act approved July first, eighteen hundred and ninety- V0!-8°·1>· 61% eight, as is set forth on pages six hundred and forty-eight and six hundred and forty-nine of volume thirty of the Statutes at Largp, and for the purpose of said acquisition the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall have and exercise all powers conferred upon the Public Printer in said Act: Prmrided, That the public ipark °°”"°‘·°'°· authorized and established bfy this Act shall become a part o the park system of the District o Columbia and be under the control of the Chief of Engineers of the United States Army. _ Stzo. 38. That the Secretary of the Treasurély shall require all su(,§,‘f§{{,§ggg‘$i{§n‘;€ owners or agents of sites in each city mentione in this Act, where sites or additions to sites are to be purchased, to submit offers of sale _ _ in writing. And in case a site or addition to a site acquired under un*§§“j€,g(Qvaf]f"ld‘“8“ the provisions of this Act contains a building or buildings, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to rent until their removal ecomes necessary such of said buildings as may be purchased by the Government, or the land on which the same may be ocated, where the buildings are reserved by the vendors, at a fair rental value, the proceeds thereof to be deposited in the Treasury of the United States, and a report of the proceedings to be submitted to Congress annually: Provided, That each site selected under the pro- wémmmm visions of this Act shall be bounded upon at least two Sides by streets, unless otherwise specifically provide .