SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 384. 1910. 719 hundred thousand dollars, of which sum five thousand five hundred dollars may be used for necessary drawings and illustrations for publications; For purchase of books, pamphlets, and periodicals for reference, B°°*¤· ¢°°· including payment in advance for subscriptions, two thousand dol- 81`S; For re airs to buildings', shops, and sheds, includmg` all necessar R¢P¤*¤¤· labor and) material, fifteen thousand dollars; y For plostage stanlaps and foreign postal cards, five hundred dollars; P¤¤¤¤¤~ In a , for the ational Museum, four hundred and ninety-two thousand five hundred dollars. Elevators, Smithsonian building: For constructing and installing ,1jk¤;;g,¤£h ¤¤¤i¤¤¤<> two passenger and freight elevators in the Smithsonian building, ten m g` thousand dollars. _ National Zoological Park: For continuing the construction of ,,,§;f‘°°"·‘ “°°‘°"°“ roads, walks, bridges, water supply, sewerage, and drainage; and for grading, planting, and otherwise improving the ground; erecting and repairing buildinfgs and inclosures; care, subsistence, purchase, and transportation o animals; including salaries or compensation of all necessary employees; and general incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, mcluding urchase, maintenance, and driving of horses and vehicles required dir official urposes, and not exceed` one hundred dollars for the urchase olf necessary books and perildlgcals, including payment in ad)va;nce for subscriptions, one hundred thousand dollars; one half of which sum shall be paid from the revenues of mrs from District the District of Columbia and the other half from the Treasury of the ’°"°"“°“· United States. Roadways and walks, National Zoological Park: For reconstruct- w£§;‘“'°¥' ‘““ ing and repairing roadways and walks, including. materials and labor and all necessary incidental expenses, fifteen thousand dollars; one half of which sum shall be paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other half from the Treasury of the United States. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. mgggg;·g;;;,°g¤¤— For salaries of seven commissioners, at ten thousand dollars each, ,,§,‘{l$E°” °' °°““'““‘ seventy thousand dollars. For salary of secretary, five thousand dollars. sammy. For all other authorized expenditures, necessary in the execution E==P¤¤¤¢¤· of laws to regulate commerce, eight hundred thousand dollars, of which sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars may be expended in the employment of counsel, and not exceeding three thousand dollars may be expended for the purchase of necessary books, reports, and errodicals, and not exceeding! one thousand five hundred dollars may he expended for printing other than that done at the Government Printing Office. To further enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to enforce ,¤Eq]f¤fr¤;¤,gg0ag,gw¤¤¢— compliance with section twenty of the Act to regulate commerce as §'0l¥34.p;593.· amended by the Act approved June twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred ‘*""· p' 5** and six, including the employment of necessary special agents or examiners, three undred and fifty thousand dollars. _ To carry out the objects of the "Act concerning carriers engaged ,.O%,§'§'§§§’}§;‘,§‘w‘f ""' in interstate commerce and their emplo ees," aplproved June first, V<>i·3°»»>·4!*· eigpteen hundred and ninety-eight, ten tliyousand collars. _ o enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to keep informed ,,l}§‘},‘Q§',’f’ ""°”` "P' regarding compliance with the "Act to promote the safety of employees W- 27. P- 531 and travelers upon railroads," approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninegr-three, and with the "Act to supplement ‘An Act to M"- **2* promote the s ety of employees and travelers upon railroads by compelling common carriers engaged in interstate commerce to erLn_p their cars with automatic coup ers and continuous brakes and therr