Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/780

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756 SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 384. 1910. “°'d °*P°’”°°~ Field expenses: For surveys and necessary resurveys of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, including the coasts of outly- mmimuom ing islands under the jurisdiction of the United States:_PrmnAed, That not more than twenty—five thousand dollars of this amount shall be expended on the coasts of said outlying islands, seventy thousand dollars, to be immediately available; _

  • °o;g‘j,f°°-*'*· For surveys and necessary resurveys of coasts on tlre Paclilc OOGQII

nmpneymg, ece., under the jurisdiction of the United States: Provided That this mmm appropriation be_ available for the transportation to and from Manila and employment in the office at Washington of not to exceed three Filipinos at any one time one hundred and s1Xty thousand dollars, mmm] h toybo immediately availabdp; _ h _ I h dr h B1 t_ t or contmu researc es m p ysica y 0 ap y r aing 0 phy` harbors and bldlrgs, and for tidal and current ogrservations on the coasts of the United States, or other coasts under the jurisdiction of the United States, six thousand four hundred dollars; comme:. For offshore soundin and examination of reported dangers on the coasts of the Unitegs States, and of coasts un er the %urisdiction of the United States, and to continue the compilation o the Coast Pilot, and to make special hydrographic examinations, and including the employment of such pilots and nautical experts in the field an office as may be necessary for the same, fifteen thousand dollars; lngnetle ouuvs- For continuing magnetic observations and to establish meridian "°“'" lines in connection therewith in all parts of the United States, and for making magietic observations in other regions under the juris- ` diction of the nited States, including the urchase of additional magnetic instruments, and the lease of sites where necessary and the erection of tempgrary magnetic buildings; for continuing the line ~of exact levels tween the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts; for "¤;g*¤¤ *¤ ¤•=¤•=¤ ¤¤¤- furnishing points to state surveys, to be applied as far as practicable ' in States where points have not been furnished; for determinations of geographical positions, and for continuing gravity observations, iiftiy thousand dollars; · 8v•¤¤¤1•¤rv¤v¤ or any s ecial surveys that may be required by the Light—House Board or other proper authority, and contingent expenses incident thereto, including ex enses of surve s in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of ihlaryland, to life immediately available, fifteen thousand dollars; _ . w•<=¤¤•¤¤¤>¤¤ O For_objects not hereinbefore named that may_be deemed urgent 'mcluding the preparation or purchase of preliminary plans and specifications 0 vessels and the actual necessary expenses of officers o the field force temporarily ordered to the office at Washington for consultation with the superintendent, and for the expenses of the ¤£l¢¤¤¤¤¢ wwe- attendance of the American delegates at the meetings of the Inter- ` national Geodetic Association, not to exceed five hundred and fifty dollars, four thousand dollars;

¤ge;b,e u_ Ifrmxidql, That ten per centum of the foregoing amounts shall be

pemmms. available interchanges ly for expenditure on the objects named, but no more than ten per centum shall be added to any one item of appropriation ; huilnhtgli ggilgilegd expenses, three hundred and twenty thousand four V<¤¤°1¤· Repairs and maintenance of vessels: For repairs and maintenance of the complement of vessels used in the Coast and Geodetic Survey including the traveling expenses of the person inspecting the repairs; forty thousand dollars.

 Officers and men, vessels, Coast and Geodetic Survey: For all

necessary employees to man and equip the vessels of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, includin professional seamen se as executive officers and mates on vessels of the Survey, to execute the work of the