SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 384. 1910. 773 service to the maintenance of that service; the remainin revenues, after setting aside a miscellaneous and contingent fund 0% ten thousand dollars, to the maintenance of the public-school system in the zone ; to the construction and maintenance of public improvements within the zone; to the maintenance of the administrative districts; to the maintenance of Canal Zone charity patients in the hospitals of the Isthmian Canal Commission, and to the maintenance of adminis- ` trative district prisoners. A detailed and classified statement of all gr§ °°¤°¤* *0 °°¤· receipts and eiipenditures without the duplication of items under this " paragraph, sh be submitted to Congress after the close of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eleven. Sec. 4. All funds realized during) the fiscal year nineteen hundred ,c;**g_*}; ggm Smand eleven by the Isthmian_Canal ommission from the performance xeapprtpninea re: of services by the commission, or from rentals, or from the sale of °°"“""°°°“‘ materials an tsgpplies under the custody or control of the commission, are appropria or expenditure under any of the foregoing classified appropriations for the department of construction and engineering, and a full and separate report in detail of all transactions hereunder shall be made to Conlgress. _ _ Sno- 5. Hereafter there shall be submitted under each item of a pro- $·;°,fa*g*&mBm,m riation, proposed in the annual estimates for construction of the of · employees, me. listhmian Canal, notes giving in parallel columns information which f,°,,'§§.lf'• °°""°°"°°°"‘° will showpthe number, by grade or classes, of officers, employees, and skilled and unskilled laborers proposed to be paid under each of said a propriations for the ensuing fiscal year and those being aid at the close of the Escal year next (preceding the period when said) estimates are pre ared and submitte ; also, in connection with each item for ,,_{;g·;,¤;¤ wher .materix§ and miscellaneous purposes other than salaries or pay for personal services, the amounts actually expended or obligated for like pugposes during the entire fiscal year next preceding the preparation an submission of said estimates. Sec. 6. Hereafter the statement of the plroceeds of all sales of old gg;§g;l§:¤¤g¤sy,~· material, condemned stores, supplies, or other public property of any ew., to he iiepsrsfa kind shall be submitted to Congress at the beginning of each regular "‘§{’f‘g,__,ec_,,.,,, p_.,,,_ session thereof as a separate communication and shall not hereafter ¤•v¢¤l¢d- be included in the annual Book of Estimates. Sec. 7. So much of the Act approved June nineteenth, eighteen “S;¤i}_>:i¤s w¤=¤¤1¤- hundred and eighty-six (Statutes at Largie, volume twenty-four, page ielmaneee ww seventy-nine), as makes a permanent in eiinite appropriation to lpay *"§.“,§{f’;‘_,f,§f’§§°‘ · compensation to shipping commissioners and the cler s of the s ipping commissioners or services under said Act is hereby repealed, to take effect from and after June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor shall, for the fiscal year E¤¤¤=¤¢¤¤ re<1¤ir¤¤- nineteen hundred and twelve, and annually thereafter, submit to Congress in the regular Book of Estimates detailed estimates for compensation of such commissioners and clerks. Sizo. 8. All laws and parts of laws, to the extent that they make ,,§,§°g§‘,§Q I”°P°°‘ a permanent indefinite appropriation to pay salaries of the Supervis— ml;:r¤¤:¤e:¤g rgngggg ing Inspector-General, supervising inspectors, local mspectors, and as- {gr, Npsifsdf sistant inspectors of steam vessels, and clerks of the steamboat ,,§_$é,,'f§_;_“8”· F inspectors, and for contingent ex enses of the Steamboat Inspection Service, are repealed, to take effject from and after June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven; and the Secretary of Commerce and mmm '°‘*“"°"· Labor shall, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and twelve, and annually thereafter, submit to Congress, in the regular Book of Estimates, detailed estimates for salaries and contingent expenses of the Steamboat Inspection Service. Sec. 9. Hereafter the steward, housekeeper, or such other employee D%°°““"° “’““‘*°“· of the Executive Mansion as the President may designate, shall, under ¤i·;=is¤;¤<>¤ <>f qwthe cirection of the President, have the chargle and custody of and be °°ii.sii,°ie•l.irii$i.-ty1aaii§ res onsible for the plate, furniture, and pub 'c roperty therein, and ¤*,§‘§;,{“‘°°"°°· shall, before entering upon the duties of the ofiibe, give bond for the 887·l0°-—vor. 36, rr 1-—~11——51