SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Srzss. II. Ch. 385. 1910. 777 MISCELLANEOUS onamors, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. je§é¤°°“¤¤°°“¤ °'* Payment to the State of Oregon: The Secretary of the Treasury is 2.§‘§§‘,§{‘,;,.,,,,,,,,,],,,,_,, authorized to reopen, adjust, and audit the claim of the State of g;m*¤*¤¤*’°*°¤*¢¢¤¤· Oregon for expenses of raising, supplyin , and equipping its volunteer ` troops and militia during the years eighteen hundred and sixty-one to eighteen hundred and sixty-five, inclusive, and ascertain and report to Congress for consideration what sum or sums, if any, were exppnded bg the State of Oregon and have not been reimbursed to it y the nited States on account of principal of bonds issued, ass mterest paid thereon, and expenses of advertising and printing in at connection therewith, in providing means for the pa ment of bounty to volunteers mustered into the service of the Unitedy States and who were engaged in the State of Oregon and adjacent territories in the suppression of Indian outbreaks. aper for internal—revenue stamps: For paper for intemal-revenue m§ggg;_{gL;gmm¤ stamps, including freight, ten thousand do lars to continue available ` during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eleven. ' Transportation of fractional silver coin: For transportation of ,i,,’,,'§“,§*{$§?',§,‘§,,,_""°‘ fractional silver coin, by registered mail or otherwise, thirty-Eve thousand dollars; and in extpending this sum the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and irecte to transport from the reasury or subtreasuries, free of charge, fractional silver coin when requested to do so: Provided, That an equal amount in coin or currency shall ,j have been deposited in the Treasu§ or such subtreasuries y the applicant or applicants. And the cretw of the Treasury shall re rt to Congress the cost arising under is appmmation. Igor transportation of fractional silver coin for the al year nineteen hundred and nine, to pag bills on hand and unpaid, awaiting an appropriation, eight thousan five hundred and seventy-nine dollars an erghty-nine cents. _ T of Transportation of minor coin: For transportation of minor coin, m,,,’§§‘§§Y,,_ ‘ by re tered mail or otherwise, twenty thousand dollars, and in expengllgng this sum the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to transport from the Treasury or su treasuries, free of _ charge, minor coin when requested to do so: Provided, That an equal D'°Q‘;,‘§{’,; amount in coin or currenc shall have been deposited in the Treasury or such subtreasuries b tllie applicant or applicants. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall report to Congress the cost arising under this appropriation. , _ To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury and bills on hand and unpaid, for transportation of minor corn, fiscal year nineteen hundred ang nine, one thousand six hundred and sixt -three dollars and thirt - ve cents. Riimbmstment to Treasuryer of the United States: To reimburse }Q‘Tj}’,,°‘,§Q°,‘,Q;,,,,,,,,_,,,_ the Treasurer of the United States for the loss on recoinage of one ¤¤¤¤¤¤s ¤i¤v¢¤‘ ¢¤¤¤¤~ thousand one hundred uncurrent standard silver dollars at the mint at Philadelphia during the iirst quarter of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninet -six, seventiy-seven dollars and ninety-three cents. INDEPENDENT 'llanasvarz aper for checks and drafts, Indendent Treasury: Authority is ereby granted the Secretary of the Tieasury to pay the unpaid bill of Crane and Company, of Dalton, p§,;,f"“° ""I °°“" Massachusetts, in the sum of two hundred and forty-three dollars P¤ym¤¤¤<»- and twenty-seven cents, for watermarked checlg paper ordered and furnished the Treasury Department in August, nineteen hundred and V . ·· · ea 01-35.P-874- eight, from the unexpended balance of the appropriation for _ Paper for checks and drafts, Independent TPGKSUXPQU scal year mneteen hundred and ten, the a propriation for the cal lyear nineteen hundred and nine, from wllirch the same was payab e, being exhausted at the time the bill was rendered in May, nineteen hundred and ten.,