Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/838

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8].4 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 385, 386. 19lO.

 F d `t f l t rt aval service Act of March second

“**· ·*·°°’~ eighiiéif §.E'?.“d1§'d3$.?Zi¥.’£¥§’?svl.j‘$m i...mimd’.md tnayam dol: lars and eighty-four cents; CLADIS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. °i¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤W¤* by For conf nt expenses of land offices nineteen hundred and nine Jieugiiilgii mam twentyéivdligllars and nine cents; I _ , For surve the public lands, fourteen thousand six hundred and e` hty-tive dollars and thirty cents; _ _ lgFor telegra hing, transportation and so forth, Indian supplies, nineteen hunciied and nine, three thousand eight hundred an orty dollars and forty-three cents; _ _ For transportation of Indian supplies, fifty dollars and eighty-eight t ; . . . ccllidr support of Sioux of different tribes, subsistence and C1V1l1Z8- tion, thirty-two dollars and ninety cents; CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE STATE AND OTHER DEPARTMENTS. <¤¤¤¤¤ ¤11¤v¤¤ br For public printing and binding one hundred and fifty-five dollars·

g.m°'°t°" For trans rtation of diplomatic and consular officers, nineteeri

gimdred and)0 ten, seven thousand and forty-five dollars and ninety- vc cents· ‘ For support of convicts, District of Columbia, nineteen hundred and nine, one hundred and twentggsix dollars; For meat inspection, Bureau of imal Indust , ninetg-four cents; For pprchase and distribution of valuable seex, one undred and sixty-t ee dollars and fiftly-three cents; For general expenses, orest Service, one dollar and ninety-five cents· ‘ For fees of clerks, United States courts, nineteen hundred and nine, two hundred and seventy-three dollars and` sevent -one cents; For fees of clerks, United States courts, two hundred and sixty-six dollars and thirty cents; _ For naturalization of aliens, two dollars and ninety-e` ht cents; For supplies of hght-houses, two thousand six hundred and forty- six dollars and seventy cents. CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE POST- OFFICE DEPARTMENT. ggcéggggiggegmzg twggz-yipgsgppitim for losses by registered mail, sixty dollars and For railway mail service, eight dollars and thirty-three cents. Approved, June 25, 1910. . · CHAP. 386.-A A ·h - · · .. .

 $33;] $,1 in tems: wm. mben¤ec%(;»c<iiaiiii>mG<i)wi)<;;tr1(ii¤iB;LniiiIli>iigriigsyiiigiilsiliziiliiiwsairiiilidghrlkliéii

IC, O. . · _ Be it e1u1,eted_by the Semte and House of Representatives o the U ited p0§gg‘·3i1es§¤v¤¤8¤ da States of America in Congress assembled, That there be, andiis herigby, neg? or ummm create a board of trustees for the control, supervision, and admims- °°}w,,·p_ 1w_ tration of the postal saymgs deppgitory offices designated and (estab. gshedsndter th; pro?51ons of t d Act, and of the— funds received as _ eposi s a suc pos _ savmgs eposito ifi b irt h f. <><>¤¤1¤>¤¤<>¤· Said board shall consist of the Postmastlei-((irenc;1?al,)l;h`;> Sgdrdtsrlywof