848 SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 421, 422. 1910. abridgment, or enlargement of any asserted rights or claims initiated upon any oil or gas bearing lands after any withdrawal of such lands u§g';*:°;°g;‘gg"°‘ made prior to the passage of this Act: And provided further, That ` there shall be excepted from the force and effect of any withdrawal ' made under the provisions of this Act all lands which are, on the date of such withdrawal, embraced in any lawful homestead or desert-land entry theretofore made, or upon which may valid settlement has been made and is at said date being maintains and perfected pursuant to law; but the terms of this proviso shall not continue to apply to any particular tract of land un ess the entryman or settler shal continue ' to comply with the law under which the entry or settlement was made: b,1§’,?*g.¢*;;$¤¤_°“ ¤°" Andproeidedfurther, That hereafter no forest reserve shall be created, nor shall any additions be made to one heretofore. created within the limits of the States of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, or W oming, except by Act of Congress. nqmmzwnnamw- Sec. 3. Tshat the Secretary of the Interior shall report all such ""'°°°""“‘ withdrawals to Congress at the beginning of its next regular session after the date of the withdrawals. Approved, June 25, 1910. _ ·l¤¤° 2*- 191**- CHAP. 422.-An Act To create, establish, and force ° s ‘ ' [P;:l;._—R:14:£t] Territory of Alaska, and for other purposes. eu a imnef labor lm m the 0, O. Be it enacted by the’Senate and House ylle V mtattzzes tithe United gg¤:x,¤; mm um States of America. in Ctmgress assemble , Tliat every miner or other remmenuuai. laborer who shall labor in or upon any mine or mining ground for auother in_the Territory of Alaska in di `ng, thawing, conveying, hoisting, piling, cleaning up, or any other%nd of work in producing any mmeral—bearing sands, gravels, earth, or rock, old or gold dust, or other minerals, or shall a1d or assist therein by his labor as cook engineer, fireman, or in cutting and delivering wood used in said work, or in work in any hke capacity in roducing the dump, shall, where; his labor directly aided in such rodiiction, have a lien upon the dum or mass of mineral—bearing sandh, gravels, earth, or rocks, and all olld and gold dust, or other minerals therein, aiid all gold and gold dust extracted therefrom,for the full amount of wages for all the time which · he was so employed as such laborer in rodu§ng the said dump within one gear next preceding his ceasing to liabor thereon; and to the; extent of thel abor o the said miner or other laborer actually employed or expended thereon within one year next prior to ceasing to labor Preference of lien. thereon, the .S&1d iien shall be rior to and preferred over any deed mortgage, sbill of sale, attacliinent, conveyance, or other claim, whet_ er the same_ was made or given prior to such labor or not; ggnguud dem, Pmmded, That this preference shall not apply to any such deed M, ,,.,,.gm,d_ rnortgagehbill of sale, attachment, conveyance, or other claim given in §ood faith and for value prior to the approval of this Act. Home w be max nc, 2. That every laborer, within ninety days after the completion of the performance of the work or labor mentioned in the foregoing section who shall claim the benefit thereof, must, personally or bg. some other person for him, file for record in the recording precinct where the la or was performed a claim of lien containing a statement of his demand under oath, substantially in the following form: rom. Ncrrrcn or r.An0nnn.’s LIEN. Territory of Alaska, precinct, ss: i···:· —··—-—, Q 81I118.I1t, 8. 8jI1Sl3 ——— %— Notice is hereby given that E`——— —-—-—— claimahl:1 efzlziiiridlh lien upon (describing the dump or mass of mineral·bearing sands v l earth, or rock, and its location with reasonable certainty) in the -—..6 S,
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