SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 433, 434. 1910. 865 _ Sec. 4. Tl1at upon the expliration of the term fixed for such proba- ,,(§,°§§{f,,g“ °’—*P*'°‘ tion, the probation officer s all report that fact to the court, with a i statement of the conduct of the probationer while on probation, and the court may thereupon discharge the probationer from further supervision, or may extend the probation, as shall seem advisable. At any time during the robationary term the court may modify the ,e}f¤°°,f,;*°°**°¤ °‘ terms and conditions oi) the order of robation, or may terminate '° such probation, when in the opinion ofp the court the ends of justice shall require, when the plrobation is so terminated the court shall enter an order_ discharging the probationer from serving the imposed ' penalty; or the court may rcvoke the order of probation and cause ‘,,§,{°°'“°” md ¤· the rearrest of the probationer and impose a sentence and require him ` to serve the sentence or pay the fine originall imposed, or both, as the case may be, and the time of probation sliall not be taken into account to diminish the time for which he was originally sentenced. Sec. 5. That the chief probation officer of each court shall be enti— p,$]bT,K§{’§§c§,°fj’ °° tled, for himself and his assistants, to a room in the building occupied ‘ by that court, and all necessary stationery and supplies for the transaction of the business of his office, and all the probation officers except volunteer omcers shall be entitled to their necessary expenses in performing the duties of their office, under the direction of the court, the amount of the expense for such stationery, supplies, and expenses to fixed and allowed by the court upon proper vouchers in tigitted tg it byi tfhe rilrobation oflgcetiils, aAnd aplcountshduly verified A ti mu eiroat ; an ort e urposeo IS ct·t ereis ere y a ro- PP"§§‘,,,°°· pgiated the sum of live thdhsand dollars, one half to be paid old}; of iniigiii ct mt an mone in the Treasui? not otherwise appro riated and the other hah out of the revenues o the District of 0 umlliia. Approved, June 25, 1910. CHAP. 484.-An Act To provide for the yment of overtime claims of letter ·T¤¤¤ 25.1910. carriers excluded from judgment as barred by Iiiimitation. [S· mg-] [Public, No. 816. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0{R@7‘€802L¢d$?;008 of the United 1 Szia¢es0fAmew·iea in Congress assembled, Thatthe Secretary of the Treas- ¥r§;‘;;g{';‘f*:idm ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to the several rermogerzms under parties named in Senate Document Numbered 'l`wo hundred and sixteen ° 8 °`" "' `ifty-sixth Congress, first semion, and Senate Document Numbered One hundred an fifty-eight, Fifty-sixth Congress, second session, or 'their legal representatives, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the amounts set oplposite each of their names, respectively, aggregating two hundred an eighty-two thousand nine hundred and forty-three dollars and eightyeight cents, and said sum A¤>v¤>v*'·¤¤¤ of two hundred and eighty-two thousan nine hundred and forty- three dollars and eighty-eight cents is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate , representing services actually performed by them as letter carriers in excess of eight hours pcr day and reported by the commissioners of the Court ofg Claims as being the amounts due them under the provisions of the Act of May twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and eightyeigbt, v¤1.2z».v·1¤¤. entitled "An Act to limit the hours that letter carriers in cities shall be employed per dav,” but which have been excluded or excepted _ from judgment for the sole reason that the same were barred by the statute of limitations: Providez/, That no agent, attorney, firm of attor- gpuyb no neys, or other person engaged, heretofore or hereafter, in preparing, ree. ml ° mm, presenting, or prosecuting ancy claim or claims named in Senate Document Numbered Two hundre and sixteen, F ifty-sixth Con ress, tirst session, and Senate Document Numbered One hundred and fifty-eight, Fifty-sixth Congress, second session, above referred to, shall directly or indirectly demand, receive, or retain for such service in preparing,