SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 104, 105, 111. 1191. 917 CHAP. 104.—An Act To eonv to the ci of rt S i , Arkansas, a rtion of F¢b¤1¤¥Y17. 1911· the national cemetery reservationedi said cityt? Fo m th po [S' 1°3°°·] [Public, No. 384.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R eaentattvea of tlw United States of America in Congress assembled, Tglt the Secretary of War c:iiZ£ii·°iif·ii°€vi°il:l be, and hereby is, authorized and directed, upon the payment b the A’s'§,,, 0, mmm ,0 city of Fort Smith, State of Arkansas, a municipal corporation, ofy such Fm S¤¤i¤¤· sum as he may determine to be the reasonable value of the premises, _ to convey to said city the following-described portion of the National Cemetery Reserve in the city of Fort Smith, State of Arkansas, to wit: _ Beginning at a stone which is set approximately at the center of South D°°°“P“°"· Sixth Street and at the extreme northeast corner of the National Cemetery Reserve in the city of Fort Smith, State of Arkansas, for a point of beginning; thence in a westerly direction and along the line of said reserve one hundred and fifty-seven and two-tenths feet to a point; thence in a southeasterly direction two hundred and seven and six-tenths feet, more or less, to a point in the east line of said ceme- . tery reserve and in the west line of South Sixth Street; thence in a northerly direction and along the line of said cemetery reserve for a disggnce of one hundred and forty-five and ‘dve—tenths feet to the point 0 inn1n . Sing; 2. '§1at this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after In °“°°‘· its passage and approval. Approved, February 17, 1911. · CHAP. 105.-An Act Providing for the purchase or `erection, within certain F`¤l**’**¤I{Y8&8g911· limit: of cost, of embasy, legation, and consular buildings abroad. ' 0, 0. . Be it enacted by the Senate and lIouale;ZfR@·maentatices of the United States o_fAmenZea in Uongrese assemb , That the Secretary of State u{§l13;gg·g;;§¤d¤¤¤· be, and he is hereby, authorized to acquire in foreign countries such Buildingsintoreign sites and buildings as may be appropriated for by Congress for the }’§§"‘“°“ “““‘°""°° ` use of the diplomatic and consular establishments of the nited States, and to alter, repair, and furnish the said buildings; suitable buildings for this purpose to be either purchased or erected, as to the Secretary of State may seem best, and a l buildings so acquired for the diplomatic service shall be used both as the residences of diplomatic oihcials and for the offices of the diplomatic establishment: Provided, however, That not more than the sum of five hundred thousand dollars shall be ` expended in any fiscal year under the authorization herein made: And ` evidedfurther, That in submitting estimates of sgpropriation to the wgeétgégegitaadimtw Qcretaryx of the Treasury for transmission to the ouse of Represen- ` tatives, the Secretary of State shall set forth a limit of cost for the acquisition of sites and buildings and for the construction, alteration, repair, and furnishing of buildings at each place in which the expenditure is roposed (which limit of cost Shall not exceed the sum of one I·i*¤i¢ °* °°¤¢· hundred and fifty thousand dollars at any one place) and which limit shall not thereafter be exceeded in any case, except by new and express authorization of Congress. Approved, February 17, 1911. CHAP. 111.-An Act To amend section live of the Act of Congress of June February 18,1911. twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten, entitled "Au Act to authorize advanws to lS· 9***5-} the ‘reclamation fund,’ and for the issue and disposal of certificates of indebtednea [public, Nm 38,,] in reimbursement therefor, and for other purposes." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re_preaentato?ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section five of an Act R°°’*******“°** ******1- entitled "An Act to authorize advances to the ‘reclamation fund,’ and A·*'***=°°¤*°· for the issue and disposal of certificates of indebtedness in reimburse- Aw. nm ment therefor, and or other purp0ses," approved June twenty-fifth, 88740°—vo1. 36, rr 1-11—60