SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ons. 113-115. 1911. 919 refused registration as a trade-mark on account of the nature of such mark unless such mark- rmiiiuiiimis. " (a) Consists of or comprises immoral or scandalous matter. ,n{}”m°"l‘°°°" “""' " (b) Consists of or comprises the flag or coat of arms or other Fl°¥S· *“S*¤’***»°’°· insignia of the United States, or any simulation thereof, or of any State or municipality, or of any foreign nation, or of any design or picture that has been or ma hereafter be adopted by any fraternal _ society as its emblem: Prmni ed, That trade—marks which are identical §{,§T§}" n, known with a registered or known trade-mark owned and in use by another, ”¤°°·m¤¤ and appropriated to merchandise of the same descriptive properties, or which so nearly resemble a registered or known trade-mark · owned and in use y another, and a;i);;rp£riated to merchandise of the same descriptive pro}perties as to ely to cause confusion or . mistake in the mind of the public, or to deceive purchasers, shall not be registered: Provided, That no mark which consists merely in the mfggskgf gjilédgggl name of an individual, Erm, corporation, or association not written, ew. printed, impressed, or woven in some particular or distinctive manner or in association with a portrait of the individual,.or merel in words or devices which are descriptive of the goods with which they are used, or of the character or aguality of such goods, or merely a geo- · aphical name or term, sh be registered under the terms of this get: Promldedfurther, That no portrait of a living individual ma be m§g*“”*°’**°d ¤°*'· registered as a trade-mark except by the consent of such individsiial, ' evidenced by an instrument in writing: And provided further, That y€§1g'¥uj:m?,° °°¤ nothing herein shall prevent the regstration of any mark used by ' the applicant or his predecessors, or y those from whom title to the mark is derived, in commerce with foreign nations or among the several States or with Indian tribes which was in actual and exc usive use as a trade-mark of the applicant, or his predecessors from whom . he derived title, for ten years next receding February twentieth, nineteen hundred and five: Promktedlgurther That nothing herein m§_*jg}‘*°*°'° “¤° °* shall prevent the registration of a tra e-mark otherwise re istrable because of its being the name of the applicant or a portion 5]0I’00f." Approved, February 18, 1911. CHAP. 114.-—An Act For the relief of the sufferers from famine in China. Feprgugirygghpiii. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rezzresen tatioes of the United lriiuiic, No. sas.] States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War chinese famine. is hereby authorized to transport, under the supervision of the Ameri- ,§§“§,§’;,’,§§,‘g;,'}’“°"’ can National Red Cross Society, the supplies donated by the people of the United States for the relief of the sufferers from famine in China, and for this purpose may order one of the Army transports to make a trip from Seatt e, W'as ington, to China: Provided, That the total §,jf,@,,,n_ expense thus incurred shal not exceed fifty thousand dollars. And Appmpriauou. the sum of fift thousand dollars is hereby a}¥>ropriated and authorized to be paid out of any moneys in the reasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose specified in this Act. Approved, February 18, 1911. CHAP. 115.—·An Act To reserve certain lands and to incorporate the same and February 18. 1911· make them a part of the Pocatello National Forest. [S- 9566-] Public, No. 390. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe]n·esentatives of the United [ I States of America in Congress assembled, That the following-described F}’”;•,,*§]{j>b0N***°¤“ lands, to wit, sections three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine, uiiasaaaséim. township nine south, range thirty-five; section twenty~two, township