942 SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 166. 1911. State of Florida, so alia it is or may become an obstruction to naviation, tenthousand dollars. R§g_°g.{;‘;‘l;,;*J*;§¥;_°° g Improving Choctawhatchee River,_ Florida and Alabama: For ' maintenanpe; 1 of improvement, including Cypress Top outlet, live thousand dollars. · Eneambiaand cone Improving Escambia and Conecuh Rivers, Florida and Alabama: i“12‘?"°”· m` me For maintenance, five thousand dollars. _ _ _ news, am. Improving Mobile bar, Alabama: Continuing improvement and for B"‘ maintenance, five thousand dollars. _ H”'°°*· Improvin harbor at Mobile, Alabama: Continuing improvement, · five hundred; and five thousand dollars, of which amount five thousand dollars may be used in the removal of sunken logs, deadheads, and other obstructions. _ ·’·'=°¤¤· R*'°"·A**· Improving Alabama River, Alabama: Continuing im rovement and - for maintenance, including; the Alabama and Coosa Igivers between Bl ckwmi r W _ Montgomery and Wetump a, seventy~five thousand dollars. ,,0; md -,~,,‘,§,i,;gg‘§., Improving Black Warner, Warrior, and _Tomb1glbee Rivers, Ala- _
- '~*'°¤··¤¤· bama: Contrnuing improvement from Mobile to the Mulberry and
_ Locust forks by the construction of locks and dams, one hundred QE; thousand dollars: Provided, That the.Secret of War may enter into a contract or contracts for such materials aiid1 work as may be necessary to complete the said project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to excee m the aggregate seven hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and T bi lm Ri heretofore appropriated. _ _ _ _ _ _ _,,,j"§,,d”m,_ "°'· Improving ombrgbee River, Alabama and Mississippi: For mainte- . nance, from the mouth to Demopolis, Alabama, teen thousand dollars, and from Demopolis, Alabama, to Walkers Bridge, Mississippi, Gulfport, Mm five thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ I _ Improving harbor at Gulfport, Mississippi: For maintenance of improvement of anchorage basm at Gulfport and channel therefrom to the anchorage or roadstead at Ship Island, and for the improvement and maintenance of channel at Shi Island Pass, one hundred tgousagid dollarsi) of which amount siirty thousanéi pollars, or so much ,, ,, thereo as may e necessary, may e ex nde or the re air and Dr°d°° B°m°rd‘ modincation of the United States dredgeplgarnard, which hereby transferred and assigned to Gulfport Harbor and Channel for use and to be operated in accordance with the rovisions and recommendations contained in the report printed in givers and Harbors Commit- Hom mmm Pm teel Documentgumgepe dT§o, Sizggeth Congrvirss, first session. rms. mproving orn s an ass, 'ssissi i: or maintenance four M 1. Mr. *>h¤¤¤¤¤d dallm- . pp . ' ’ Improving Pearl River, Mssissippi: Continuing improvement and Yum Rim md for maintenance below _Rockport, eight thousand dollar·s. ennuzma, ms. _ Improving Yazoo River and tributarres, Mrssrssrppiz Continuing improvement and for maintenance, includ' Yazoo, Tallahatchie Big Sunflower and Coldwater Rivers, Tchuliiuiake, Steele and Wash; ington Bayous, Lake Washington, and Bear Creek, twelve thousand Mimi imm five hundred dollars. Souzhwgi rm. Improving Southwest Pass, Mississippi River: Continuin im rove- Buycu Teche Lu ment and for maintenance, four hundred and fifty thousancildoliiars, ’ Improving Bayou ffeche, Louisiana: Continuing improvement Wmrmy Franklin and for maintenance, sixty thousand dollars. me Mennentau,La. Inland waterway between Franklin and Mermentau Louisiana· To msure the selection of the most suitable route for the inland v0,_,A_p_,,,8,,_ waterway channel from Franklin to Mermentau adopted by Congress in the river and harbor act of March second, nineteen hundred mmm and seven, the Secretary of War is hereby authorized, on the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, to make such changes in