944 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 1911. °°¤¤¤¤=¤· enter into contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessayr to complete said sections to an amount not exceeding seven hun red and six thousand dollars, exclusive of the amount herein appropriated, of which amount notexceedrng two hundred and seventy-eight thousand dollars shall (paid from apgsropnatrons to be Pm, hereafter made by law and the remain er from contributed bg ccnffitucron by the Beaumont navigation district or other local interests: Promde , 1°°'“ “"°‘°'“‘ That no part of these amounts shall be expended and no contract shall be entered into until the Beaumont navigption district, a local organization created and existing under and y virtue of the laws of the State of Texas, or other local interests, shall have placed in some United States de ository, to be selected by the Secretary of War, the sum of four hundred and twenty-eight thousand dollars to the credit of the Secreta of War, to be expended by him in equal amounts with moneys provided by the United States in_ prosecuting this work: h*:•0*;¤`?t_¤¤=¤· °“=·· Provided further That said Beaumont navigation district or other local interests- shall become bound, in manner satisfactory to the Secretary of War, to maintain said channel free of cost to the United States for a term of three years after the completion thereof, and to provide for the operation and maintenance of the guard lock without cost to the United States until otherwise provided by law, all in accordance with the recommendations in the report cited above: ¤<>¤¤=¤¤¢=i¤¢*¤**· Pramkied further, That the Secretary of War ma enter into contract · for work on sections "a" and "e" at any time after the local interests - have provided the moneys as above specified, independent of and without reference to section "b." wF¤>¤ ¤•¤i¤·= Rim For section "b," fifty thousand dollars; and the Secreta of War Contmnmb may enter into contract or contracts for such materials anllywork as may be necessa to complete said section, to an amount not exceed- ` ing two hundreyand thirty-seven thousand dollars, exclusive of the amount herein a propriated, of which amount not exceeding ninety- three thousand Elie hundred dollars shall be paid from appropriations to be hereafter made by law, and the rezninder from funds contributed by the Orange navigation district··er other local interests: g$_v{•·;·imti°¤ b Promkied, hat no part of these amounts shall be expended and no rmi mlema. Y contract shall be entered into until the Orange navigation district or other local interests shall have placed in some United States depository, to be selected by the Secretary of War, the sum of one hundred an forty-three thousand five hundred dollars to the credit of the Secretary of War, to be ex nded by him in equal amounts with moneys provided by the lfrlited States in prosecuting this work; frélgalpéeogtsnce, enc., frmndedfurther, That said Orange navigation district or other local ‘ interests shall become bound, in manner satisfactory to the Secretary of War, to maintain said channel free of cost to the United States for a term of three years, all in accordance with the recommendations in the report cited above. ren neiivmrex. Improving channel to Port Bolivar, Texas: For maintenance twentyfdve thousand dollars. ' same i>.¤,·re¤. Irnprovrng Sabine Pass, Texas: Continuin im rovement and for maligtenance, %;T1el1l1&d1red and gfty ghousancldollleirs. wg Galve¤tonxBay _ proving es veston ay hannel, Turtle Ba ou Tr' ' cb" °‘·°‘°··T° · River, Anahuac Channel, Oyster Creek, Cedar, Chocolategrnd Bailgdy Bayous, Texas: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, includ; mggrouths of adjacent streams, twenty-Eve thousand dollars. Ergxzlpgxglgxzg, Tex, tPl'0(;lDg·1I;Ol1lill RiVBP :1 Texas: improve- ‘ ‘ men an mam enance an re air of ° - I II th0u§am§3d0um_81i Y ging p the jettres, one hun vexmemoiawass. mproving razos iver, Texas: Continuing improvement and fo “"‘“’“‘ maintenance by o n—channel work from Velaseo hingt I- » twenty-five thousapfid dollars. to Old was 0n’