SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 166. 1911. 947 I.m roving harbor at Saugatuck, and Kalamazoo River, Michigan: S““$”’““?§·“”d 1**** golrppileting improvement and for anaintenance, thirty thousand mmm €r'1iich` 0 ars. Improving South Haven Harbor, Michigan: The Secretary of War §°g,‘,{§§‘,_§",_‘;'°“»"’*°**· is hereby authorized to enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary for the completion of this improvement, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate one hundred and ninety- eiglhtgslthousand dollars, exclusive of amounts heretofore appropriated. provmgi Black IRIVBI at Port Huron, Michigan: or mainte- m"°" R’“"*M*°"· nance, five thousand dollars. ° Implroving Clinton River, Michigan: For maintenance, two thou- °”¤¤>¤R*'¤’·¥i<=¤· sand ollars. Im roving Detroit River, Michigan: Continuing im rovement in D°*'°*°R*V°*·m¤¤· gcplorgance with plan A, thru hundred and seventy—gve thousand o ars. Im r·oving Rouge River, Michigan: For maintenance, five thou- R°"‘° *i"°’·“’°"· sand gollars: Pro·v@d, That no fpart of this sum shall be expended at 1-fyocgeiggion b H those points within the limits o the project where shoaling is due to riau xmsnsa. Y p°` caving banks until the banks shall have been protected by suitable docks or revetments constructed at the expense of the riparian interests. _ Improving harbor at Ashland, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement ”m““"*W‘“· and for maintenance, thirty thousand dollars. Improvinglharbor at Kenosha, Wisconsin: For maintenance, eleven K°“°“"’*w*“· thousand dollars. _ Improving harbor at Kewaunee, Wisconsin: For maintenance, K°"°““"°·w"’· eiglhteen thousand dollars. _ _ _ mproving harbor at Port Wmg, Wisconsin: Continuing improve- ’°" “'“‘g·W"· ment and for maintenance, three thousand dollars. Improving Saint Croix River, Wisconsin and Minnesota: For main- W§‘*,{‘,§d‘§,};°,§1’§,_R*'°'· . tenance, three thousand six hundred dollars. Impro harbor at Agate Bay, Minnesota: For maintenance, two AK““’ B“>’·“*““· thousand dollars. Improving Zippel Bay, Lake of the Woods, Minnesota: Completing z,£;§f,;’jy’*;f,¤"lQ_°°°¤ improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House ' Document Numbered Twelve hundred and seventy-six, Sixty-first Congress, third session, twenty-seven thousand seven hundred and eigIhty-one dollars. _ _ _ mprovingl Mmnesota River, Minnesota: For mamtenance, two M3¤u§¤¤•=¤<>¢· Mw. · thousand dollars. ` Improving Red River of the North, Minnesota and North Dakota: N§*,‘§{,l, §}§§’,‘t §§d‘§‘f For maintenance, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Dak- Improving harbor at Michigan City, Indiana: For maintenance, in- Mi¤¤i€¤¤ City, Imicluding repair and maintenance of the east breakwater, twenty-three thousand dollars. _ Im roving Calumet River, Illinois and Indiana: For maintenance, ,m°§‘§‘§§f“ R“'°’· HL ten tlibusand dollars. Improving harbor at Chicago, Illinois: The Secretary of War is <>hi<¤¤c¤.1¤1· hereby authorized to enter into a contract or contracts for such mate- <><>¤¢¤¢¤ rials and work as may be required for the prosecution and maintenance of this improvement, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to excee in the aggregate two hun- _ dred and forty thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts heretofore appropriated. _ _ _ mprovmg] harbor at Waukegan, Illrnors: For mamtenance, ten W““k"¥“”· m· thousand dollars. Improvingl Chicago River, Illinois: For maintenance, thirty-four Chi°“¤° R“'°’·m· thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of War may enter into mm. a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be neces- °°¤‘”°'*