PROCLAMATIONS, 1910. 2669 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERIGA. Hawk 28.'1910- A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS it is rovided in the Act of Congress approved August T°'*” °¤ P’°d°°” °' 5, 1909, entitled "Xn _Act T0 provigle revenue, equallize duties and Nivwmbie. encourage the industries of the United States, and for other pur- """· "‘ °’· p0ses"——— That from and after the thirty-first day of March, nineteen hundred and ten, except as otherwise specially provided for in this section, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on all articles when imported from ang-dforeign country into the United States, or into an of its possessions (except the P ippine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tut.u£), the rates of duty prescribed by the schedules and paragraphs of the dutiable list of section one of this Act, and in addition thereto twenty-tive per centum ad valorem; which rates shall constitute the maximum tariff of the United States: Provided, That whenever, after the thirtgr-first day of March, nineteen hun-' dred and ten, and so long thereafter as the President shall be satisfied, in view of the character of the concessions granted by the minimum tariff of the United States, that the government of any foreign country imposes no terms or restrictions, either in the way of tariff rates or provisions, trade or other regulations, charges, exactions, or in an? other manner, directly or indirectly, `ngxou the importation into or the sale in such oreign country of any agricultural, man actured, or other product of the United States, which unduly discriminate against the United States or the products thereof, and that such foreign coxmtry pays no export bounty or imposes no exgort (gg or rohibition upon the exportation of any article to the United States w ich uly
against the United States or the products thereof, and that such foreign
country accords to the agricultural, manufactured, or other products of the United States treatment which k reciprocal and equivalent, thereupon and thereafter, ugon proclamation to this effect by the President of the United States, all articles w en xmporhed into the United States, or any—0f its possessions (except the Philippine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuila), from such foreign country shall, except as otherwise herein provided, be admitted under the terms 0 the minimum tariff of the United States as prescribed by section one of this Act. AND WHEREAS it appears that no terms or restrictions either in the way of tariff rates or provisxons, trade pr other regulations, charges, exactions, orin any ether manner, d1reetly or indirectly, are imposed upon the irngiortation mto or the sale m the territory of Nicaragua of any agueu tural, mani1faetu_red, or other qlroduct of the United States, which unduly discriminate against the United States or the products thereof, and that no export bounty is paid or export dutv or pr0hib1tion unggsed in sand territory upon the exportation of any art1cle to the mted States which unduly discnminates agamst the United States or the products thereo , and that there IS accorded m said terrntory to the agricultural, manufactured, or other_pr0ducts of the United States treatment which is reci rocal and egmvalent: _ _ Jew, THE EFORE, I, Wdinam Howard Taft, _President of the §Q{§{§'“$;'°Q1*m§§ United States of America, by virtue of the Eower 111 me vested by ii¤r¤ Nimmthe aforesaid Act of Congress, do hereby ma e known and proclaim that from and after March $1, l§)10, and so long thereafter as the aforesaid Act of Congress is in_ex1stence and no terms or restrictions are imposed upon the 1mportation or sale in the territory of Nicaragua of the products of the United _States which unduly discriminate against the United States, all articles when imgorted into the United States, or an¥ of its possessions (except the lulippine Islands and the islands 0 _ Guam and Tutu1la), from the terptory of Nicaragua shall be admxtted under the terms_ of the minimum tariff of the United States as prescribed by Sectxon one of the Tariif Act of the United States approved August 5, 1909; Provided, however, that this proclamation shall not take effect dislggygauggng **;*:3: from and after_March_31, 1910, but shall be null and void in the event against American comthat, at any time prior to the aforesmd date, satisfactory evidence '”°'°°‘ shall be presented to the President that snch change or changes have been made m the present laws or regulatmns affecting American