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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1241

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2682 PROCLAMATIONS, 1910. United States or the products thereof, and that such foreign country accords to the agricultural, manufactured, or other products of the United States treatment which is reci rocal and equivalent thereu n and thereafter, upon proclamation to this effect gy the President of the linited giiites, all articles when imported into the United States, or any of its possessions (except the Psliigppine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuila), from such foreign country_ _ , except as otherwise herein provided, be admitted under the terms of the minimum tariff of the United States as prescribed by section one of this Act. AND Wnnnms satisfactog evidence has been presented to me that the Governments of the ritish Colonies of the Cape of Good Hope, Natal, the Transvaal, the Orange River Colony, and all other possessions and protectorates of Great Britain in South Africa impose no terms or restrictions, either in the way of tariff rates or provisions, trade or other regulations, charges, exactions, or in any other manner, directly or indirectly upon the importation into or the sale in the British Colonies of the Cape of Good Hope, Natal, the Transvaal, the Orangg River Colony and all other possessions and protectorates of Great xitain in South Africa of any agricultural, manufactured, or other product of the United States, which undul discriminate against the United States or the products thereof, andy that the Governments of the British Colonies of the Cape of Good Hope, Natal, the Transvaal, the Orange River Colon , and all other possessions and protectorates of Great Britain in émth Africa pay no export bounty or impose no export duty or prohibition u on the exportation of anyyarticle to the United States which undul) discriminate: against the nited States or the products thereof, andy that the Govemments of the British Colonies of the Cape of Good Hope, Natal, the Transvaal, the Orange River Colon , and all other possessions and protectorates of Great Britain in South Africa accord to the agricultural, manufactured, or other products of the United States treatment which is reciprocal and e urvalentz uélnitgwnpnwhrg nv Now, Tnnnnroan, I, W1L1.1.m Hlowsnn Tam-, President of the gem sr-num siiiii United States of America, by virtue of the wer in me vested by

’“° the aforesaid Act of Congress, do hereby mag; known and proclaim

that from and after March 31, 1910, and so lo thereafter as the aforesaid Act of Congress is in existence and the%overnments of the British Colonies of the Cape of Good Hope, Natal, the Transvaal, the Oranie River Colony, and all other possessions and protectorates of Great ritain in South Africa impose no terms or restrictions upon the imrlgartation or sale in the British Colonies of the Cape of Good Hope, atal, the Transvaal, the Orange River Colony, and all other possessions and protectorates of Great Britain in South Africa of the products of the United States which unduly discriminate against the United States, all articles when imported into the United States, gr any of its possessions (except the Philip ine· Islands and the islands of Guam and Tuturla), from the Britislii Colonies of the Cape of Good Hope, Natal, the Transvaal, the Orange River`Colony and all other possessions and rotectorates of Great Britain in South Africa shall be admitted under the terms of the minimum tariff of the United States as prescribed by Section one of the Tariff Act of the United_States approved August 5, 1909;

¤:gg: Provided, however that this proclamation shall not take effect

against Americancum- from and after March 31, 1910, ut shall be null and void in the mm event that, at any time (prior to the aforesaid date, satisfactory ev1dence_ shall be presente to the President that the Governments of the British Colonies of the Cape of Good Hope Natal the Trausvaal the Oran? River Colony, and all other possessions anli protectoraté pf Great rrtain in South Africa have made such change or changes in their present laws or regulations affecting American commerce rn the British Colonies of the ape of Good Hope Natal, the Transvaal, the Orange River Colony, and all other possessions and protectorates