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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1243

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2684 ‘ PROCLAMATIONS, 1910. His Britannic Ma'est , with res ct to Kelantan, Tringganu, Kedah, Perlis, and adjaci-mtllslands; tii; Maldive Islands; the Gilbert and - Ellice Islands; British Solomon Islands; Pitcairn Island; Tristan da Cunha Island; McDonald Island, and all other British islands, possessions, and protectorates, not lslpeciiically mentioned in or coyered b revious proclamations issue in accordance with the provisions of1£ction 2 of the Tariff Act of the United States shpproved Aiiggist 5, 1909, pays no export bounty or imposes no export uty or prohi ition upon the exportation of any article to the United States which unduly discriminates against the nited States or the products thereof, and that the Government of His Britannic Majesty, with respect to Kelan— tan, Tringganu, Kedah, Perlis, and adjacent Islands; the Maldive Islands; the Gilbert and Ellice Islands; British Solomon Islands; Pitcairn Island; Tristan da Cunha Island; McDonald Island, and all other British islands, possessions, and protectorates, not speciicall mentioned in or covered by revious proclamations issued in accords; , ance with the provisions of gection 2 of the Tariff Act of the United States approved August 5, 1909, accords to the agricultural, manufactured, or other products of the United States treatment which is reci rocal and eeguvalentz ,m *"§§,,g}{ NPOW, THER FORE, I, WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT, President Hands. n¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤. of the United States of America, by virtue of thedpower in me vested

 b the aforesaid Act of Congress, do hereby m e known and pro—

clliim that from and after March 31, 1910, and so long thereafter as the aforesaid Act of Congress is in existence and the ‘overnment of His Britannic Majesty imposes no terms or restrictions upon the importation or sale in Kelantan, Tringganu, Kedah, Perlis, and adjacent Islands; the Maldive Islands; the Gilbert and Ellice Islands; British Solomon Islands; Pitcairn Island; Tristan da Cunha Island; McDonald Island, and all other British islands, possessions, and protectorates, not specifically mentioned in or covered by previous proc- ` lamations issue in accordance with the provisions 0 Section 2 of the Tariff Act of the United States approved August 5, 1909, of the roducts of the United States which unduly discriminate ainst the United States, all articles when imlported into the Uniteduétates, or any of its possessions (except the hilippine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuila), from Kelantan, rin anu, Kedah, Perlis, and adjacent Islands; the Maldive Islands; the (§§bert and Ellice Islands; British Solomon Islands; Pitcaim Island; Tristan da Cunha Island; McDonald Island, and all other British islands, possessions, and protectorates, not specifically mentioned in or covered by revdous proc- Iamations issue in accordance with the provisions ol) Section 2 of the Tariff Act of the United States approved August 5, 1909, shall be admitted under the terms of the minimum tariff of the United States as prescribed by Section one of the Tariff Act of the United States 'apprloved August 5, 1909; mgglfhrgng usgs ovided, however, that this proclamation shall not take effect from against American mm- and after March 31, 1910, but s all be null and void in the event that, "‘“°°‘ at any time prior to the aforesaid date, satisfactory evidence shall be Hesented to the President that the Government of His Britannic ajesty has made such change or changes in its present laws or regulations affecting American commerce in Kelantan, Tringganu, Kedah, Perlis, and adjacent Islands; the Maldive Islands; the Gilbert and Ellice Islands; British Solomon Islands; Pitcairn Island; Tristan da Cunha Island; McDonald Island, and all other British islands, possessions, and protectorates, not s cifically mentioned in or covered bysgreyious proclamations issuedpibn accordance with the provisions o ction 2 of the Tariff Act of the United States approved August 5, 1909, as to discriminate unduly in any way against such commerce,