2730 PRooLAMA·r1oNs, 1910. my 28-1910- Br rim Pamsmmrr or rim UNITED Srrarns or Amnmca A PROCLAMATION Tahoe Nuticnml For- WHEREAS it appears that the public ipod will be promoted °°°i$§§l;$iLi N"` by eliminating certain lands from the Tahoe ational Forest, addmg ·4~¢· 1>- me to said Forest certain lands within the State of California which are in part covered with timber or undergrowth, and giving by proclama- V°‘· 3** P- 22***- tion of this date the name of Eldorado National Forest to certain . lands heretofore reserved and proclaimed as parts of the Tahoe National Forest; . . scimuauamccmed. Now, therefore, I, William H. Taft, President of the United States V°*‘3°’p‘3°‘ of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act of Con- · gress a proved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitledp ‘An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal fyear ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and or other £_urposes," do proclaim that . the bonmdaries of the Tahoe National orest are hereby ch ed and that they are as shown on the diagram form' a part herggg rm: new mt er- _ The withdrawal made by this proclamation slili, as to all lands '°°“°‘ which are at this date legally appropriated under the public land laws or reserved for any public purpose, be sub`ect to and shall not interfere with or defeat egal rights imder such appropriation, nor prevent the use for such publizlpurpose of lands so reserved, so long as such apfpropriation is leg y maintained or such reservation remains m orce. firs-m3¤:1¤¤¤2i’;%1a¤a¤. This proclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of ‘ "‘ ‘ any lands heretofore opened to settlement and entry under the Act of Cozgress approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, entigef "An Act To provide for the entry of Agricultural lands wit orest reserves." Lancs mm vn The lands hereb eliminated from the Tahoe National Forest which wm ’ are not embraced iii withdrawals for administrative sites for use in the management of the Forest, or in any other reservation or appropriation, shall be restored to the public domain and become subject to settlement under the general provisions of the homestead laws on such date and after such notice by ublication as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, but shall) not become subject to entry, fil' , selection, or other form of appropriation until the expiration ofuxirtyudays from the date so fixed: except that on the same date hzgdemuity »¤n¤¤¤ as the _ ds eliminated become subject to settlement, the Sum, gf ° California may, if the lands eliminated are subject to such selection, select as indemnity in the satisfaction of its common school grant not to exceed two sections of land in each entire township restored, or one section in each fractional portion of a township where thd restored area thereof exceeds five thousand (5,000) acres and no person will be permitted to acquire or exercise any right whatever under any sett ement or occupation be n prior to such date and all such settlement or occripation is hereity forbidden. , IN WITNESS WHZER OF, I have hereunto set my hand and caiiigd the siealcof the; vgvnited States to be affixed. ne at the ity o ashiv n this 28th da of Jul ` [ 1 of ¢i1urILé)I‘d oéie t opszflnd nine hilndred til; yaignad san., o the n e en enceo theUnitedStatesth and thirtygfth. e one hundred By the President: WM H TAM, HUN·rnm·roN WHSON Acting Secretary of State.