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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/999

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2448 · TREATY—GREAT BRITAIN. JANUARY 11, 1909. Treaty between the United States and Great Britain relating to boundary waters between the United States and Canada. Signed at Washington, January 11, 1909; ratification advised by the Senate, March 3, 1909; ratified by the President, April 1, 1910; ratified by Great Britain, March 31, 1910; ratifications exchanged at Washington, May 5, 1910; proclaimed, May 13, 1910.

By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. ws`¤i:gl¤.i)4ii.i.¤d°r’ Whereas a Treaty between the United States of America and His P*°•*¤"'°- Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, to prevent disputes regarding the use of boundary waters and to settle all questions which are now pending between the United States and the Dominion of Canada involving the rights, obligations or interests of either in relation to the other or to the inhabitants of the other, along their common frontier, and to make provision for the adjustment and settlement of all such questions as may here— after arise, was concluded and signed lay their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the eleventh day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nine, the original of which Treaty is word for word as follows: °°¤¤'•°“¤¢*’°'°”· The United States of America and His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions Beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, being equally de- ` sirous to prevent disputes regarding the use of boundary waters and to settle all questions which are now ending between the United States and the Dominion of Canada involving the rights, obligations or interests of either in relation to the other or to the inhabitants of the other, along their common frontier, and to make provision for the adjustment and settlement of all such questions as may hereafter arise, have resolved to conclude a treaty in furtherance of these ends, and for that purpose have appointed as their respective plenipotentiaries: P¤¤¤iv¤*¢¤¤·¤¢¤- The President of the United States of America, Elihu Root, Secretary of State of the United States; and His Britannic Majesty, the Right Honorable James Bryce, O. M., his Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiarv at Washington; Who, after having communicated to one another their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: PRELIMINARY ARTICLE.

 "¤°¤¤ For the purposes of this treaty boundary waters are defined as the

waters from main shore to main shore of the lakes and rivers and connecting waterways, or the portions thereof, along which the international boundary between the United States and the Dominion of Canada passes. including all bays, arms, and inlets thereof, but not