Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1027

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1(X)4 SIXTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. HI. Ch. 150. _ 1913. year,shall be$2001nthecasoofban·oomhcensesand$100mthe 1.,,,, of wholesale licenses: Provided iisdlaar, That the pcsonal repreap-mmd` scgstative of an deceased licensee may within thirty days after the death of such transfc said heme? accordance with the v1sio"nsofthis1aw touchmg' erso causes. ¤r•¤·¤ *•‘¤¤¤ •¤· 16. That no license, either wholesale or barroom, shall be °°°°°"`°°u°°°°°°' issued to any person orfor an placelocated withinonethousandfeet of the gounds of the marine barracks the_War College and engmeer bsnac , or of the navy yard, in the bnstnct of Columbia. _ ?'¤“§,,_”*°”,,‘,,,,‘°',,,,,“,’ Pan. 17. That an person assisting in or aidin5\$d abetting the “m’ violationofanyof theprovisixmsofthissection beguxltyofa misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be noléless than $50 nor more than $100 or be imprisoned in the District 3 or workhouse for not more thanthree months for each and every offense: new- Provided, Thatnowitnessshall beexcusedfromtastnfymgmanycase "° ‘"°"”°°°°°' brought under this secion on the ground that has answers may tend to incriminate him in connection with say violation of this section, 1m¤¤¤¤|*! mm and such witness so testif ’ shall not ereafter be rosecuted for Img £ 1 . "°""'°"" violation if any provgnlion of this sectionconcerning such witness may ave . s · _ "°""'*‘°",,,,,,,,,"‘ ’°', · Pan. 18. That prosecudons for violations of the provisions of thm gun- sectionshall beoninfermationfiledin thepolicecourtby thecorporaa tioncounselof theDistrictofColumbiaoranyofhisassietay1hdp1y anthorizedtoactforhim, andsaidcoxrationcoimselorliisaseistantsshalliilesuchinforrnationmn prmentationtolumorhu ,m"YY,:',,,,‘}‘,g,;"f¥’°"‘ assistants of sworn information t the law has hem v1olsted· ° such tioncounselandhisassistantsshallhavepowertoanlmmister oaths to such informant or informants and such others as present themselves, and an emaking afalse oath to any material fact shall be deemed guilty opm 'ury and subject to the same penalties as now provided bylllglv f¢;r};3 offense. _ h tent wm M¤r¤•¤¤¤¤f•¤¤¤¤s Pan. 19. ti oneormore porsousw oarccom wi esses "°°"”'°°°°"’°` shall charge on oath or adirmatnon before the corporlftion counsel of the District of Columbia or any of his assistants duly authorized to act for him, re resenting that any person, company copartnership, association, cluh or corporation has or have violated or is violating

1: of section, bypagnufacturmg, selling, officring for

e, keep or s e, clung m,_ artermg_ exchanE1ng_ or goods ' swig; or otherwise fnmislnng intoxicating quor without Ecense, and shall nest said corporation counsel or any of his assistrqaerwme. ants dul authorim to act for him, to issue a warrant, said attorney or any o¥his assistants shall issue such warrant, in which warrant the room, house, bnildmg, or other me m which the violation is alleged to have occurred oris occurrings be specifically described, and said warrant shall be placed in the hands of the captain or acting captain of the lice precinct in which the room, house, building, or other place aggve referred to is located, commandindg him at once to thoroughly search said described room, house, buil mg, or other place and |•¤¤h¤•d ••|¤¤r¤· the appurtenances thereof, and if my such shall befouncl, to takeinto his possession and safely_keep, to be produced as evidence when required, mtorxcating liquors (1f the same shall be found in uantities and in condition to suggest that it 18 ke t for sale), and all the means of dispensing same, all the paraphernalia or part of the paraphernalia of a barroom or other intoxicating-liquor establishnent and any United States mternalrevenue tax receipt or certiiicatefor0¥ht;¢;t:111mufacturet¢;1r sg? of mtcéxicating l‘§qIu<;;heHe;:htive for the ecova·mg_e egedoensean 0 wi reportall Illia Elggzts to tion counsel of the l)istrict of Columbia, and such mtoxicatmtg nor or the means_for dmpensing same, or the . paraphernalia o a arroom or othu mtoxicating·liquor_ establish-