Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1039

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1016 SIXTY-SECOND c0NGnEss. sm III. Cns. 165, 166. 1913. the boundaries of national forests, including those embraced in unperfected claims under any at the public land laws, also upon the ceded Intgan lands, that piay hay; or seriously; germ , d¤·¤¤¤g¤d P¤°¤‘ 9 P°$¤°·3° ° ct stlignprbceeds of all guch sales to be covered into the Treasury ’*••**•·D I " m of the United States: Propided That the damaged timber upon any exhttngclalma. lands embraced in an existing claimshall be disposed of only upon the ,).1,,,,,,,,],.,,,,,,,, application or with the wntten consent of such claimant, and the mone received from the sale of damaged timber on any such_1ands shéalll kept in a special fund to await the final determmation of su claim. °"g""°"""’·· S . 2. That the certification of the Secretary of the Interior xziimim mm W thatiwanysuch elliiianhas approved and patented theSec— rotary of the Treasury 1s_hereby au ormed and_d1rected to pay to such claimant, his hem or legal representatives, the money _ received fromthesale of thedamagedtimber iaponhisland, after _}{d_'*°*•° ¤ °“*· deduetiilitherefrom the expenses of the sale; an upon the certification of eSecreta.ry ofthalntenorthat anysuchclaunhasbeen iinsllyrejecteg and canczloed the Senirheatuy of this istgaereslply au ox-med an er money env m e of the timbui the lands braced ch cl ' me #· e.&-.;-·.i·-·—·{;,.i“*I·».,.=E»¤ ~·a.`Z·¤?"··.zs·i"i'.& , ess ‘ tam been removed appro ted to the benefit of an Indian tribe or otherwise, in which even! the net$ceeds derived f1'0Il1thBS8l60fl»l1B'l£lII\b0lBlIBllb0ll'ID8f€!£t0 fundcfsuch tribe or otherwise credited or distributed as by law provided. Approved, March 4, 1913. [ ;5;g2E 1 Gggtéagsétaxnmtcpyfwda thirty-one hundred and eightyqix of the , 0. . B ·itenadedby¢heSenalea1idHouseofR cnlaf theU`ted i{°°$:°l»‘Z'iii°•,f it Static of .Ameriea_in Oongrus gasembled, Thii1tr;iction‘1t(hdBi1¢?i‘y-onehdiin- ‘”’· ‘“‘°”"°"· dred and eighty-six of the Revised Statutes be, and the same is hereby, www u__u¤ aniegded so as to read as follows: ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,_ nc. 3186. If-any gerson liable to pay any tax negllects or refuses to pa the same after emand, the amount shall be a ien in favor of the lgiited States from the time when the assessment list was received by the collector, except when otherwise provided, until paid with the ingest, penaltiesé andhcosts that may gccprue in addition thereto u n propertyan rigtsto ropert to hperse; §{,'i'",'§',g,,, ,,,,,,, PK:-guided, however, That such lieri) shall ryiot bzngiilgl assuc st silly

,·{;_¤,g:&_·*·¤~» ¤¤¤* mort€;i.§ee&purchaser, or judgment creditor until notice ol such lien

shall iil by the collector in the omce of the clerk of the district To bcmedmwumy court of the district within which the property subject to such lien is em. situated: Provided further, Whenever any State b appro riate legislation authorizes the filing of such notice in the oéce of the registrar or recorder of deeds of the counties of that State, or in the State of Iloutiliitngtmwthe parishes thereof, then such lien shall not be valid m a a as amst , h ' mm, me slices §£5f§§’§¤g4‘§‘i3 ei:r§ma§:i§1iiiJ`;g$gil;ii:; or recorder of deeds of the county or counties, or parish or pgrishes gmt}; gthage Imnsiana, within which the property subject to the Approved, March 4, 1913.