Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1045

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1022 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Res. 5-7. 1913. missioners of the District of Columbia to maintain public order and rotect life and propert in said District from the twenty-eighth of R mn gebruary tosthe tenth o{Mar·ch, nineéeenbhundrtpld and thugeen, bomtl; ,,,,,,,,.,d_ ° 'I`. commissionersare ereyauormedandirec u tlocxirlgllgda all rzlasonable regulations necessary to secure such preserya.- tion of public order and protection of life and prolperty and fixing fares by public conveyance, and to make special _ ations res ectmg the standinimmovements, and 0 ating of lvgcles of wgatever character or dduringsaid periodind fares to be charged for °'"‘“°“‘ the use of the same. uch regulatiops be nr force one week prior to said inan guratron, during sand inauguration, and one week subsequent thereto, and shall be published in one or more of the daily newspaperstprgblished District of Columbia; and gn such other manner as Commissioners may deem best to acguamt the public wig; the same; and no mty fork the vrolatrorgh of of . tr ‘ un v a su u ca- ¤:¤=·m M mh- Stll>¤· Vi°l¤ti¤·B.’ my of 8¤¢h rngillatizsus shall ligble for e:p(psuch_o eusgtoaiéfgpdréotfto exceed toumttgre police court of ,..···-,,.,,.··=~=. ~····¤~··=· its ¤.n.°" “I.f Ee pm -*1 £¥Z'.23...g. than ..¤,’“""”°““‘°“‘.¤. iii mi the svirm of 1;;*:009, or so much thereof as matgobe necasarygsihereby likewise a printed; to be expended by Commissioners of the Disgict ofp%mbia, or thefconstruction, a inci ent to operation o tempo pu 'c co ort sta ns infomation booths during the , Approved, January 29, 1913. · January ax, ms. [No. 8.] Joint Resolution Granting to the Fifth Regiment Maryland National [s..v.n¤um Mm-dm mu D. I . .

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Resolved Nw Senate and House the U ited NQ_*·¤*¤* ¤* ¤¤*¤¤· Slater of Abniicrica Congress agsevn%ed,' t the mizishal or the

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" ’ i en a non u occu an use e ·T¤n:¤g¤=”¤1i:·i=~Nv corridors of the coadyrthouse of the District of Colnigbia from six o’clock in the evening of March third to seven o'c1ock in the evening of March_ fourth, mneteen hundred and thirteen, upon such terms and cond1ti¢;p\s as fhedmapslahal ogigii lliistrict of Columbia:. gpall Hose upon e co on o e egnment Muylan atro uard. Approved, January 31, 1913. ‘§`§ ;I??;J Joint Resolution Approving the plan, design, and location foraLincoln Rwbved t}aeSenatea»ndH~ B eaentaf `/ie ' iiS§¤ii»`¤¥°gi°d;1iia Static of in Gmgreu mt the zggxfdgdggnydg '“{;;,,_§;,_ I,_ 8,, location for a Lincoln Memorial, determined upon and recommended to Congress December fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve, by the commission created by the Act entitled "An Act to provide a com. mission to secure plans and designs for a monument or memorial to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, ’ approved February ninth, nineteen hundred and eleven, be, and the same are hereby, approved. Approved, February 1, 1913.