Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/159

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136 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II,. Crrs. 171-173. 1912. rt , real nal, to the amount of twenty dollars except such gs is b laiv)vrel’r?i;pt from taken on civil process for debt by the laws o¥the Distnct of Columbia, and that I have no property in any way conveyed or concealed, or in any way disposed of for my future ¤¢·=¤¤*°*•=¤¤¢·— use or benefit. So help me, God} Upon taking such oath such prisoner shall be from imprisonment on}3 but not from his obligation as such putatrye father to support his c _ d; and the judge of the juvenile court, District of Colmn 18 shall give to the_superm— tgnient of the Washington Asylum and Jail a certificate setting forth t e acts. ‘ . °’°°"'°'°°°’°‘ S .7.Thtshuldth usedfailtocmplywithen orderof %‘°“ "‘°""““ me Ecgurt ent:sred(;s arorzsii, the-bona nin be _¢oraaal; me the ‘ Eine; pcllected uppn the fotrgiture shall bg ?pl1ecl);In·Ipg°y1:;mt_m o the judgmeu l¥1¤¤f » lm WY , afterthe yment ft `d' tjtshall becoveredmto the ` She c:lll:toi]l>(l°U;!1a;:des, to the credit, half and half, of the riot 0 Columbia and the United States. _ _ j ,,,,,, Sec. 8. That the juvenile court of the District of Columbia is ¤·i•w•»•g¤ » · •* hereby given jurisdiction in all cases arising under this Act as well

 hun"` as concurrenthljurisdiction with the Supreme Court of the Drstmct of

"°‘·“•'·'* Columbia in cases under the Act approved March twenty- third, ninetegp llgstdred entitggd "An ct amgl eg mean t riet n or ’ y _ ec to proowiidld for the support and by any person of wife P_mm-_ orofhrs or her mmorchildrerimdestrtute and necessitous circumstanees." And the court, m its d1scretion,_may order payments to be made by delinquent fathers, at the wherem reside, through the Metropolitan Pohce of the ct of Columbia. Approved, June 18, 1912. l'g;*?l'*g;—2l CHAP. 179.-Anbtet §;tlu:·lyai1;gMap;l’ the Secrehry of the Interior

 to convey acutnin in ci 0

B itenaded t!•eSeaa¢eaadHoauo Be mtativesof the United HWS xii"}: ou., Static of Anmilgz in Clmynus auernbled, Thxthe Secretary of the

F;_'“°‘* '°' •"'*°" Interior is hereby authorized and directed to convey to Company I,

First R ent Oklahoma National Guard, the following tract of land, in the city of Alva, Woods Count , State of Oklahoma, to wit: Ig numb:]re<:>1n:ne{.1een,fin bllpcclk numzeredhaiprg-one, according Ito t ongm" ate ,w" tents u t express condition thatrgzmpany I, Regiment Oklahoma lgiillional Guard, must erect an armory building u n said lot within two ,.,0_,_M,_ years aftéeglltihe appgplval 010 this Ap;5 Pwvi<%,dh¢;wwerihTl1Qha§] if said nevemoa mr non- armory s not ersc u u said ot ° f f °"" specilied,orifata¤ytimethereafterceI:detobeuse‘d1asma·i·ml>m° by sand Compflpy I, Fnrst Regiment Oklahoma National Guard, tig to plpidlfottgd Suthereupon, without further action, revert to and be in e m tes. . Approved, June 18, 1912. ’“° ”?· “"· c¤a.1>.1ve.-aaacer ·· · · a ve; #J_..—¤ ...1 as., q.,...,,, it .£;§"°"" ..¢“...,,.M ‘°, :1‘?.°"‘°...a..32'i.‘L"$,i..."‘L"%,.’?“""‘.’; [P¤¤ll¢» N0- NM bn or yisduchs, acres the water between the mainland, at or near Cedardgdin . . ¢. 2*;%... 3?i‘.‘§a§”“§2· E12 1'£“‘§.T.”§ ”"i.;.¥°° *°...,.."'°"*‘:: °""“‘°‘ "°"‘ '**° ms wharves along both liittle andlgig Daugin Ialat:ds." md mlmhm dock. m Mobile Bay, Ala, . coumucues ol Bed by the Senate and House o Representatives the United ‘§“‘}%f§;,.u'$,:':,-*3 States ¢y`A1neneag11 Congress assembled, éhat section one gthe Act of mwr cmnjggl engres approv June twenty-fifth, mneteen hundred and ten,