Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/369

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346 SIX'1`Y—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 335. 1912. ._&¤¤••¤ °‘··s‘l|’P“" suxxau or summms aim accomrrs. PM¤¤¤··•*·= Pnovisrous, Navy: For provisions and commuted rations for the seamen and marines, which commuted rations may be paid to caterers of messes, in case of death or desertion upon orders 0 the commanding officers, commuted rations for officers on sea duty (other than commissioned officers of the line, Medical and Pay Corps, chaplains, chief boatswains, chief chief carpenters, chmefmachimsts and chief sailmakers) an aud commuted rations stogaed on account of sick in hospital an `ted tc the naval hog? d; subsistence of omcers and men nmavoidabl detained or a t from vessels to which attached under orders subsistence rations to be stopped on board ship and no for commutation therefor to be given); and for subsistepce of female nurses, and Navy 4 and Marine Corps general courts-martial nsoners imprispanent with of dkhonortable service ag Pr•·¢•••- exp1ra° tionosu co Secretaryo

 I" the Navy is authorized to commute rations or such   courtemartial prisoners in such amounts as seem to hmilproper, which mac;

v in accordance with the location of nav prison, but whi sh-:Hinnocaseexceedthirtycentspu·d1emforeachrationsocommuted; labor in general storehouses and paymasters’ offices in navy yards, including naval stations maintained in island pomessions under the control of the United States, and expenses m stores purchased and manufactured under the general account o G-,_,_ *__ _.,_ advance; and for the purchase of United States Army cy hu. . rations, as required: Provided gutter, 'lihat the sum to be ut of this appropriation, under _ e direction of the Secretary of the Navy, for chemists and for clerical, inspection and messenger service in the general storehouses anglpaymasterd offices of the navy yards and naval stations for the iis year cndiihg June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, shall not exceed ve hundred and twenty thousand dollars. In all, eight million five hundred and forty-two ° thousand three hundred an twenty-eight dollars and twenty-five cents. ¤¤¤¤¤e¤¤•. Ooirrmemrr, Burman or Svmmms nm Aocomrrs: For fuel, books and blanks, stationery interior fittings for general storehcuses and pay omces in navy yards; coffee mills and repairs thereto; expenses of naval clothing factory and machine? for same; tolls ferriages, yeoman’ stores, safes, newspagrshan other incidental ex-

 d qw penses, two  thousand dollars: rmnded, That hereafter womwrnen. em. out tipewnting and computing machines for the naval establishment

ms? exchanged as a part o the purchase price of new ones. m{;,•{g}gé,g·,;•* nmorrr, Burman or Svrruns ann Acoomrrs: All freight and express charges to the Na Department and its ureaus, except the transportation of coal forge Bureau of Equipment, four humlied and fifty thousand dollars. ¤:,,°&§*;,’;P°g’,,”f’“°‘ sunrise or CONSTRUCTION Am: ummm. ..§2§'f§'$’.Z,'§{f' "'° Coxsrnncnou sun nnraxa or vzssnxs: For preservation and completion of vessels on the stocks and in ordinary; purchase of materials and stores of all kinds; steam steerers, pneumatic steerers, steam capstans, steam windlasses, aeroplanes (not to exceed thirty- five thousand dollars), and all other auxiliaries; labor in navy yards and on foreign stations; gmrchase of machinery and tools for use in shops; carrying on wor_ of experimental model tank; designin naval vessels; construction and repair of yard craft, lighters, ang baiéges ; wear, tear, and repair_0f vessels afloat; general care, increase, an protection 'of the Navy in the hue of construction and repair;