Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/371

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348 SIX'1‘Y·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 335. 1912. tion of and small repairs to machinery and boilers in vessels in ordinary, receiving and training vessels; repair and care of machinery of yard tugs and launches and for pay of classified force under the P~•¢•¤· bureau four million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars:.Pro· .,§°'°"1"" ""°m"' called, l1'hat the sum to be paid out of this appropriation for aeroplane machinery shall not exceed twenty thousan dollars. n•¤m•.•¤= For purchase, handling, and preservation of all material and stores; urchase, iitt' air, and preservation of machinery and tools in P m%· NP . réayly yards an stations, and running yard engines, two mrllron o ars. i¤¤*¤·¤¤*•==P•¤•••· For incidental ex enses for Na vemels, yards, the engrn' ee ' experiment station guch as photoLYaphing, books stationery, tin-Ich-}? nical books, periodicals, engineering indices, and] instruments, six _ , the sum to ai _ p ria ' ¤’••'•··m,,` th(l’row•i'1e¢·il°u1ll1ar§·th 4 be doutofthrs tron, bea. °°°" m "Steam machin ," under the dgectron of the of the` o Navy, for clerirg drafting, inspection, and memenger service in navy yards, naval stations, and omces of United States inspectors of machinery and of e material, for the fscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen un and thirteen, shall not exceed four hundred thousand dollars. In all, steam machinery, six million two hundred and fifty-six we ""‘i¤.,,...“°““‘* "°“"°..,,.‘ U an sae. N ..1 Acad hdnnuu ee riment station, ni av amy

 °"'l Annapolis,]-ilh1tE1ylaud—E$erimental and research work: For original

investigation and extend experimentation of naval appliances; and for the purchase of such machines and auxiliaries considered agplicable for test and use in the naval service, and for maintenance of uildings and grounds, forty thousand dollars. _ ,,,,2:;*, ,,K,,{,',‘f°' ‘“" Machinery giant, naval station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii: For machine tools an appliances required for the equipment of shops, three hundred thousand dollars. N··¤ *¤·¤·¤¤¥- ruvax. aoanmrr.

  • _P¤ M v¤>*••°¤· Par or raorassoas arm ormnas, Navar. Aommn: One professor as head of the department of physics, three thousand six

hundred dollars. One professor of mathematics, one of mechanical drawing one of Engllish, one of French, and one of Spanish, at three thousand dollars sac . Three rofessors, namely one of English, one of French, and one of Spanish, at two thousand six hundred and forty dollars each. Five instructors, at two thousand four hundred dollars each. Flpour instructors, at two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars eac Ten instructors, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each. One swordmaster, one thousand six hundred dollars; one assistant, one thousand two hundred dollars; and two assistants, at one thousand dollars each; two instructors in physical training, at one thousand five hundred dollars each, and one assistant instructor in physical training, at one thousand dollars; and one instructor in gymnastics, one thousand two hrmdred dolla.r—s· one assistant librarian, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; one cataloguer, one thousand two hundred dollars; and two shelf assistants, at nine hundred dollars each· one secretarysof the Naval Academy, two thousand four hundred dollars; two cler , one thousand five hundred dollars each; four clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; four clerks, at one thousand dollars each; four clerks, at nine hrmdred dollars each; two clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; one draftsman, one thousan two hundred dollars; one surveyor, one