SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. CH,357. 1912. 491 on such reasonable time schedule or schedules as said commissioners msg; from time to time fix and determine. The said commissioners - sh have power by a rule or rules from time to time to require and compel obedience to the provisions <§°t tion after notice to and 0 rtnnit given said com to . - pgiio. 4. That said Metroiizlizan Coach Company and its omcers ,,§"',*?,l,°"{;,,°"’·- ’° . s. . . y cn. and emiployees are hereby required to obey all the provisions of this $21 anby suclli reasonable rules, , and orders as may be . e sat commisioners an com an or its officers or · employees violate any provision of this Act or aliny bf said rules, regulations, or orders made by said commissioners, or permit such vio a- tion, lngildbcompgny for each of said offiplers or eniplloyees slhall be ums a eo notmore one undred oarsan rosegution for gash of said violations shall be made on informhtion in the mine pfctge ¢g1Columbia.t,ifiled in the police of the Dis- _ tmc o umm eco ra onco oroneo assistants. Sec. 5. The vehirhes of tli-§0Metro litan Coach Company shall fol- “""'°'“""°"· low its sHresent route to Fifteenth Signet and Pennsgvama Avenue, and sh io thence west to Madison Place, north to Street east to Fifteenth treet, and thence to Sixteenth U Streets, by the route followed coming south; and said company, if it so elects,_s all be per- c mitted, mheu of sending 1ts vehicles west on Pennsglvama Avenue, as _A1*¤¤•••¤?¤¤ above provided, to sen them south on Fifteenth treet and east on gennsy ylaninl Alvgnue to Eighth Street west, and thence reverse to 1xteent an treets. Sec. 6. That said com shall issue to all passengers received b K"°""‘ uu, it north of H Street no t, and desiring same, a transfer ticket tg °• °°¤· the cars of the Ca ital Traction Company ,at the intersection of pu"` Fifteenth Street and New York Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue northwest, said transfer ticket to be good for passage on the cars of the Capital Traction Com any going south or west, and the said Capital Traction Company shesl receive and transport on its said cars said passengers on said transfer tickets without the pa ment of additional are; anddthe said Capital Traction Company issuelto all 1ts asse rs ` same, on cars go` east on ennsy vania Aviiiue aliiilcnorthhon §`%ft;enth_§t§deet, at szrigi irétersictggn, a transfeg tmettotecoacesotesa.1 etrootan oac many,an the said Metropolitan Coach Company shall receive and trarisport on its coaches said passengers on sa1d transfer tickets without the pay- nc. 7. at said etro `tan ac m an s issue to its I¤ " * mgm. of ailifdlitiomldflldml h Co h Co hall all *•*¤*·*¤¢° * l* passengers desiw same apgransfer ticket to lhs gars of the Washing rm Hwmwhzhl ton Railway and lectric Company at the `said intersection of F - "‘“’· teenth Street, New York Avenue, and Pennsylvania Avenue north- {rest, said trainsafjr ticket good égr passage on the carnloééheilslaigd ash.1nn]g·to` n `wa an ectric many,an tesai as` - ton R way and Elgctric Company shaH receive and transport on its said cars said passengers on said transfer tickets without the payment of additional fare ; the said Wmhiggton Railway and glectigrxc Cpim-· an shal issueto its assengers same atsai in rsec on B triinsfer ticket to the cdhches of the said etropolitan Coach Company, and the said Metropolitan Coach Coxnipany receive and tiansport on it? <;c:ia(.pihes saiin passengers on said transfer ticket without t e a ent o tnona are. _
That any company named herein that to comnlly with °,,’;,§'§‘,§’,,,_'°" "°"'
the requirements of sections six and seven of this Act shall _ punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars for_each violation thereof, and rosecutions shall be made as rescribed m section four of this Act; that the Commissioners of the Bistrict of Columbia shall make and enforce the regulations necessary to carry the provisions of ‘ these sections into effect.