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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/523

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5(X) SIXTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Ssss. H. Orr. 373. 1912. ‘ States, nor an person belonging' to or on board of such vessel, lgldlllelgill, capture, or yursue, at any time or in any manner whatever, any fur seal m the wagers of the north Pacific Ocean north of the thir- , " tieth parallel of north latitude and mcluding the seas of Bering, Kam- °°5$i'Qis•?m °° chatka, Okhotsk, and Japan; nor shall any such person or vessel kill, _ capture, or pursue sea otter in an of the waters mentioned beyond_the distance of three miles from the shore line of the territory of the United States. ‘

  • '},,,,,,,,"""",;,,°'°*"* Sec. 2. That no citizen of the United States, nor person above

Tr"-.·»¤·» ¤·$$¢' described in the first section, shall equip use. or emp19y. or f¤¤¤¤l¤ Md ’°‘““°“· iugqujpp` , using, or orfurmslisupphesto anyvessel used or emuployed, or to or ewloyed, in on or talgpg part in sealing cron sea-Otter unting m waters, nor s any oft eirvmselsnorany vesselof the UnitedStatesbeso used or ¤•• ¤¢ l¤¤· °°°·· nm lo ed; andnopenonorvesselshauimegsnyof theports orharbors °°'°°°°"" of Statm, or any put of the territory of the United States, for any purposes whatsoever connected with the operations of pelagic §6lljDg0IS6Ir0fl»8fh¤DhDgiD`uIBWlt8lBD8m0dmtllB£fSt80Cl510D0f V-*•¤¤‘“°°°· this Act; and no vmsel whnchis engaged orerngehyed, or_mtended to be engaged or employed, for or in connection pelagic amor . seuotterhimtingmsuehwatersahallmemyof theportsor rs . or any part of the of the United States for any purpose whatsoever. xuu¤•1·•¤¤¤¤¤ Sm. 3. That the visions of the first and second sections of this I" °‘°"'“ Act shall not apply gllndians, Aleuts, or other aborigines dwelling on . tbB 00I8t0fth0WltGlmNl&D0dlhtl!Biif‘Bt8®$l0R¢)ftlIlB nausea-. Actwhocarryonpelagicsealingineanoesormideckedhoatsprxgpdled ' whollybypaddlesmars,orsailsgrndnottransportedworusedmconnection with othervessels, andmannedbynctrnoret_anfive persons each, in the way hitherto practiced by the said Indians, Aleuts, or 1~¤••••· Q other aborigines, and wkhout the use of firearms: Provided, however, ,ii,°,°.Y°§‘, Sid pw That the exception made this section shall not apply to Ind1ans,_ '°'**“°·""’°"· Aleuts, or other aboriginm m the emgloyment of other (persons or who shall kill capture, or pursue fur or sea otters un er contract to ¤·»···»······ ¤,···¤·,,,,,,,, ‘°S"°' dh ot iii. "" "“’°d" bnnging c t t { ti. r.¤.4. a im a'onor " in errioryo e ii:i.° Im. United States, b any gin whatsoever, of skins of fur seals or sea otters taken in tds waters mentioned in the first section of this Act, or of skins identiied as those of the umm known as Osllorhinus alascanus,Oallcrhinus ursinus and Oallor us kurilensis, or belon to the American, Russian, or tlaplanese herds, whether raw, ed, or manufactured, except suc as have been taken under the authorit of the respective parties to said convention, to which the grounds of such erds belong, and have been officially marked and certiied as having been so taken, is hereb prohibited; and all such articles _ or brought in after this get shall take effect shall not be ’°'“*"‘· _ to be exported, but shall be seized and forfeited to the ’*§¤¤°°¤ '° *• Sec. 5. '1IhatthePresidentshallhave wertomakeregulationsto iiél. an PM carry this Act and the said convention fioto effect, and from time to time to add to, modify, amend, or revoke such regulations, as in his muoiemmt gucgnent may seem expedient. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of mmerce and Iabor, under the direction of the President, to see that thesand convention, the provisions of this Act, and the regulations made thereunder are executed and enforced; and all officers of the United States e¤5 the execution and enforcement of this Act are authorized an to cooperate with the proper o$cers of any of the other partms to the convention in taking such measures as zayhlge appropriate :11;% available gnde;);hehs:id convention, this Act, o er t ’ pelagic sealmg' as in this Act prohibited. purpose of pmvmtmg