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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/576

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 389. 1912. 553 For the purchase, exch e and re an- of typcm-j ‘ mgcbjn umeumwu mp. enve1opeope machin;lsi;gci>mputing machines cotyllyging pig, pm; numbenng _ es, and of miscellaneous articles purchased and furnished directly to thelpolstal service, seventy thousand dollars. Supphes for the Rural `very Service, including collection boxes, ,§,‘f’“ ‘°“'”¥ W {urmturoi satchels, oltraps, map supplies, repairing satchelshofurniure, an ma su es, repamng, erec , and pa1n_ ° co ction boxes m the lleliveiéy Service, fodiiyllg thousand ddlllfrs. To defray expenses mci ent to the shi ment of supplies, including ”"P¥*“‘* ’°¤P”••· hardware, oxinxckpoacking, cartage, frei§it, and the pay of one carpenter and six rers for t in connection therewith, one hundred_and ten thousand d . For mtagho seals, tags, and linen labels, foreign mail service, ten :¤i:s°£H]i$.u°Tl‘ °°“‘ thovusaniglldolllais. by ’ . mmm or an transportation star routes (exce service in nam. °""`°' Alaska),_includin§ temporary service to newly estlitlilliglied oEces, seven million an thirty-two thousand dollars: Provided, That no  ;,,,,,,,,,,, U part of this appropriation shall be expended for continuance of any :¤’•·¤¤v¤¤1¤¤1¤v— star-route service the patronage of which shall be served entirely U' by the extension of Rural Delivery Service, nor shall any of said sum be expended for the establishment of new star-route service for a pat— ronage which is already entirellystslerved by Rural Delivery Service. For pay of letter carriers, su 'tutes for carriers on annual leave, mm, ·, H clerks m charge of substations and tolls and ferriage, Rural Delivery enum, ea. ' Service, forty-seven million dollars: Provided, That not to exceed ,, . twenty thousand dollars of the amount hereby a propriated may be Egm duh used or compensation of clerks in sul>stations: Promlled further, That on and after September ` hundred mmmdm and twelve, letter carriers of the Rural Delivery rvice shall receive ’ ' a salary not e ne thousand one hundred dollars per annum: Provided, lwwever, t because of the compensation erein pro- Nommum vided no rural letter carrier shall receive less salary than before the passage of this Act: Promkled further, _That in the discretion of the mo wmepum ostmaster General the pay of the earner on the water route on Lake kes muse. Winnepesaukee who fumishes his own power boat for mail service during the summer months may be fixed at an amount not exceeding the maximum salary allowed rural earners by law m any one calendar ear. y For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the postal service office """°'· of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, one thousand dollars. , Sec. 2. No contract for furnishing supplies to the Post _0Hice ,,,§‘,"}‘},_,",’{,$,'f,,}"'·",,,¤’;'; Department or the postal service shall made with any person gpg-. ¤¢¤·.¤l¤>rM¢· who has entered, or roposed to enter,_ into any combination to ‘ gievent the making of any bid for furmshing such supphes, or to a price or prices there or, or who has made any agreement, or » given or performed, or promised to give or perform, any consideration whatever to induce any other person not to bid for any such mbhmnt contract, or to bid at a specified price or prices thereon; and_1f any person so offending is a contractor for furmshing such splpplges, his contract may be armulled, and the person so offending sh liable to a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more five thousand dollars, and may' be further punished, m the discretion of gale court, by imprisonment for not les than three months nor more an one year. _ _ _ That it shall be the duty of the editor, publisher, business mausfr, '°“'°‘“""‘ or owner of every newspaper, p61'10d1¤¤·l» of °l#h°l' Pu 1-l' ¤.¤¤,e¤°:°$°e$a'i°r°i.t cation to file with the Postmaster eral and the postmaster at the xegbtelgwssp office at which said publication is entered, not later than the first mum, day of April and the first digg of October of each year, on furnished by the Post Office pertinent, a sworn statement setting