Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/612

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SIXTY~SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cr:. 391. 1912. 4 589 Mnmracrunn or arms: For manufacturing, ' , recur- ¥•¤¤*·¤¤¤*¤¢·¤¤¤· ing, and issuing arms at the national armories, sev1e? thou> um sand dollars. F Onnrurwn norms nm summms: or overhaulmg' ; , P¤¤¤•*¤¢-·¤¤-·¤¤¤· · r?>airing, and preserving ordnance and ordnance stores in the han 0 troops and at the arsenals, posts, and depots; for purchase and inifanufactuée 2;]-;rdnEnce stores to_ fill retgiuialigons ofhctroops; for an,av,anArtil1eryeqmen, udmgrse mentsuzn Cavalry and Artillery, hundred thousand dolla°r‘d.mP· Nxrrorur. TQOITBY arm_ umass roa mn: oorrrssrs: For the ¥L}{,,,°§§‘,,‘;F'·,,,_,,_,,,,, purgse of jurmshing a national trophy and medals and other prizes v¤·¤ to provided and contested for annually under such regulations asmaybeprescr·1'bedby theSer:retar·yof arysaidcontesttobeopen to the army, Navy, Manne Corps, and @}Iational Guard or Organized Militia of the States, Territories, and of the District of Columbia, members of rrile clubs, and civilians, and for the cost of the tropllay, prizes, and medals herein for, and for the promotion of e‘ practice throughout the nited States, including the.reim·· burscment of necessazyxwsee of members of the National Board for the Promotion of rlle actice to be expended for the pu oses hereinbefore under the direction of the Secretary o;%Var, ten thousan dollars. Aurouarro momma mr·r.ns: For the purchase, manufacture, and $,,,;;"‘L}',‘,,_i'°,"F§°'· test of automatic machine rifles, including their sights and uipments, to available until the close of the fiscal year endingudune thirtieth mneteen hrmdred and fourteen, one hrmdred and fifty thousand dollars. — . mm Fmnn nrmmr ros Orroamzm Mrrrrra: For the purégose of en. "*m"“"'* procuring field artillery material for of e sev- ,,$ ,',{’,,,2g'£'°'* eral States, Temtorres, and the District of lumbra, without cost to the said States, Territories, or the District of Columbia, but to remain the property of the United States and to be accounted forinihemanner now prescribed by law the Secretary; of War is hereby authorized, md mm under such regulations as he may prescribe, on the requisitions of the pnviiaca, m governors of the several States and Territories or the commanding general of the~Militia of the District of Columbia, to issue said artillery L material to the Organized Militia; and the sum of one million dollars "'°°“ is hereby appropriated and made available until the end of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen, for the procurement and issue of the articles constituting the same: Provided That hereafter when ${2;, ,0, ,,,,_ authorized transfers or sales of ordnance or ordnance stores are made g,°*g··;g••‘m*;¤¤••¤ to another bureau of the War Department or to another executive department of the Government, pgment therefor shall be made by the proper disbursing officer of the ureau, office, or department concerned. When the transaction is between two bureaus of the War Department, the price to be charged shall be the cost price of the °'°"°°°‘ stores, including the cost of inspection. When the transaction is between the Ordnance Department and another executive department of the Government, the price to be charged shall mclude the cost price of the stores and the costs of inspection and transportation. Ammrrrrrorv mn Frau: Aa·rru.rmr ron Orzearnzma Murrra: ‘_{‘,{‘§‘,§,‘}{{§§‘,“}·,,, For procuring reserve ammunition for Field Artillery for the Organ- rm ¤¤¤¤¤- ized of the several States Territories, and the District of Columbia, one hundred thousand dollars. _ D“mmw0l“mbh_ There rs hereby appropriated, out of any money m the United ptymearrar mea. States Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of thirty-three *$‘ ’*‘°*“ thousand dollars to reimburse the government of the District of Columbia for the site acquired for a reformatorg for the District of Columbia, which site is hereby to the of War for such purposes as may be hereafter specifically autho by Con-