Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/637

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614 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 408. 1912. m$¤¤:¤eam· DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE- ruusserviee. Ibknst SERVICE. ` ,.?.‘¥.:.’€··“%.i’:?·"‘*-’*'*’-*°* ,,.1 2:*;.** ‘.d°’“i‘.°'‘*‘“.."&".$'...?,f.$.é‘£°‘°°"“‘ S‘7'.i.Q‘?_»‘§""Ji2'°""‘ sQ..°"‘°§ of Agriculturejor injuries incurred in and losses iightgnég forest lgrieslgn and ten, :3 follows: D.w . Sulhvag, $322.3; Anton’CanEdr, Coesngrg :2,5021; Susnux W. $*200; Fzhnk D. Freeman, Cui, Idaho #32.50; R. L. Irwin, Goff, Idaho, $100; Doctor W. A. Foskett, White Bird, Idaho, $15; Mrs. Emma Woods, Pollock Idaho $25; Doctor T. R. Mason, Wardner, Idaho, $50; Doctor Albert Knudston, Kettle Falls, Washington, $80; in all, $5,819.83.


pi} nm.; mmgm Lug; um; nvm-man rxmon: For the °°°d'°°' hm W P A of ade?]uatel§]?a¢g)Io: those bureaus and branchw of the Department of Commerce and Labor, the rent of which is now 'd from the appropriation “Rent, Depzrtment of Commerce_ and i):bor," the Secretary of Commerce and bor is hereby authorized, inhisdiscr§tion,toen1;uint(:>daconh·act feptiléegulszri forapertodnot to exceed o a m e firepmo 0 ding con unm€ no less thaiiagyipilohimately og; hundred thousand sqiiare feet o available iloor space for Government uses, at an annual rental not to exceed the present annual rental as now provided for b law and at a rate per square foot of available door space not exceeding forty cents. ‘·'*"“‘°"‘°“°"‘°°· uonrnousm sznvrcn. ‘·"""°"°" Additio al aids to navigati n: For th construction and ` lm Fm ment of aldditional light vessel: for gener:1 service, $250,000. cqmp- ?},_"';_'§{‘°"· v‘· For the completion and reestablishment of the li¢t fog—eignal station markin Thimble Shoal, Chesapeake Ba , nrgima, $39,000. ~ B ¤¤v• ¤'•¤ Nm- For completing the and marking with aids to navigation

•.c. . .

sm, asn. of Cape Fear River, North arol1na,_ 830,000. ,,?;,§';‘ """ '“"’· For and improvements to ands to navigation in Saint Marys ·¢••=· MW River, chigan, $60,000. ém oggmz _ anno or nnnorwrxox ami Nnvnauznrox. “,,;',,,,";"',;g,;"Q’,,‘;,,,¤_ Immigration station, Galveston, Texas: For locating and correcting leak in cast»iron water main constructed at Galveston, Texas, for use of the United States immigration station, to continue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen, $3,000. ¤.T""· °‘ N""" atmzau or mvxenrox. ”f‘”° °""“"‘“"°" Radio communication: To enable the Secre f Co d °'%=:·.:... Mm M ¤¤f·>¤=e as we pr c¤¤r~s ··m_ Hi?. .p£'5’§’ 3.1 $...5, lg. 1;:; gperators for c0mmuiucation,on certain ocean steamers" and to regulate communication and carry out the International Radxotelegraplnc Convention, and to employ such ng md means p may necessary, this employment to inc ude of employees in Washington not exceeding $5,000, traveling and subsistence exmsm, pnntLng,`Hlu*chase and exchange of mstruments, technical ks, rent, an other miscellaneous items and necessary expenses