Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/700

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 54. 1913. 677 Bled upon within three months after the same sh maxima. settlement and entry, five dollars per acre, and uporidiillbl,ari)¢ii1°ir?rii:]erie’d or tiled spun after the expiration of three months and within six months ter the same shall have been opened for settlement and entry, three dollars and fifty cents per acre; after the ex iration of six months, after the same s all have been opened for settliiment and entry, the me shall be two dollars and iift cents an acre. _Sr:c. 5. t the price of said lands shall be aid in accordance chirseyiiirii. °' P"` with the lr-ules and reiqrrlations to be prescribed liiy the Secretary of the Interior upon the ollowing terms: One-fifth of the purchase price to be ard in cash at the time of entry, and the balance in five equal rnstalliinents, the first two years and the remainder annually m three, four, five, and six years, respectively, from and after the date of entry. In case any entryman ails to make the annual pay- F°"°""'°‘ ments, or any of them, when due, all rights in and to the land covered by hrs entry shall cease, and ag; payments theretofore made shall be forfeited and the ent?) cancel , and the lands shall be reolfered for sale and entry under ergrovisions of the homestead law at the price Exed herem: Promiled, at nothinilin this Act shall prevent home- &Q°ii:ii¤in¤, stead settlers from commuting the entries under section twenty- ’“‘·'°°·"'·P·¤- three hundred and one, Revised Statutes, by pa g for the land entered thiedprice Hxed herein, receiving credit for thldlpayments re- F viously m e. In addition to the price to be paid for the landp the mn? md °°°mi°` entryman shall pay the same fees and commissions at the time of commutation of final entry as now provided by law where ·the price of land is one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre; and when the entryman shall have complied with all the requirements and terms of the homestead laws as to settlement and residence and shall have madeall the required pgments aforesaid, he shall be entitled to patent for the lands enter : Provridedfurther, That any lands remain- ,.,T.¥,,,‘{' ,}{,'}“},§‘g mg rmsold after said lands have been opened to entry for five years Y°“'· may be sold to the highest bidder for cash, without regard to the prescribed price thereof Hxed under the provisions of this Act, under such rules and regulations as the Secretzfiy of the Interior may prescribe, and atents therefor shall be rssu to the purchasers. mma or mess:. Sec. 6. That from the (proceeds arising} from the sale and dispesi- eo maizurrsaim. tion of the lands aforesai , exclusive of the customary fees and commissions, there shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States, to the credit of the Indians belonging and havinqéribal rights on the said reservation, the sums of which the said tri may entitled, which shall draw interest at three per centum per annum; that the U" °' "“"'· moneys derived from the sale of said lands and deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of said Indians shall at all times subject to approrgiation bymCong§ss for their education, _ support, and civilization: ro-vided, nat m any moneys m the pm .4. mdb,. Treasury to the credit of the Standing Rock Indians derived from fu*g,_'*°¤ P*··=¤¢ the proceeds arising from the sale and disposition of their portion of v¤1.:·.s,p.rc:s. the surplus and unallotted lands of under section six of the Act approved May twenty-ninth nineteen hundred and eight, the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized,_m lus cretion, to distribute and pay to each of the Indians belonging to sand tribe and entitled thereto a sum not exceeding forty dollars per_cap1ta. mmm { ml Sm. 7. That sections sixteen and_thu·ty-six of the land rn each 1,,,,,, ,,,,S,,,,§’,,,§,°,,,,, township within the tract described in section one of this Act shall md N·¤¤=1>•¤·•·· not be sub’ect to entay, but shall be reserved for the use of the common schools and pai for by the United States at two dollars and fiftgocents per acre, and the same are hereby granted to the States of uth Dakota and North Dakota, respective F, for such purgoses, and in case any of said sections or parts tlrereo are lost to ei er of u°“‘“"“'· the said States by reason of allotments thereof to any Indian or