SIXTYZSECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ons. 71, 72. 1913. 681 CHAP. 71.-A.n Act ' . ' souri River from a point mi the eagwbgik in lourteezfnlzimtr-ail [S· mlm;. g;i;t¤htyDa§¢t;3wapoint_on theweptbankl:fmm¢;¢;iriverinssction6fteen, inMcKenz1d , Dakota, m . . · - 'gngdwaxm and§ftytwonorth,rangemnety Be itenadedby¢7seSenateasndHouseqfB the United States eg America m auembled, the consangif Congrem °§am is here yagranted to the Minneapolis, Saint Paul and Sault Sainte P°;.$L"‘;§'.,,,,,‘°%'.,}',,YE Marie B. wag Compan§§ a ra1lwa%rcorporation organized under the g'g_¤;¥ laws of the tates of chigan, isconsin, Minnesota, and North ntexeaugmoemeea, Dakota, nts_successors and assigns, to build a railway brigge across "‘°""‘ the Missouri River from a point suitable to the interests navigation on the east_bank m section fourteen, Mountrail County, North Dakota to a(p;>mt on the west bank ofsaidriverinsection Efteen in McKenzie unty, North Dakota, in township one hundred and fifty-two north, range ninety-three west, of the fifth principal meridian, m acmrdanoe with the provisions of the Act entitled "An '°'·**·P-¤•- Act. to the construction of bridges over navigable waters/’ approved h twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. no. 2. That the rig t to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby *¤·¤*¤¤¤¤*· expressly reserved. Approved, February 25, 1913. GBA?. 72.-An Act To amend an Actentitled "A¤Actt¤estab1idi in the Depart- raumnggua m2§theIntericraBureauofl£ines,"appr¤vedlayaixteentli, nineteen hundred m·*-I l · IP¤¤|$¤»N•~$~l Be itenadedby theSamteaondHmney of the United Statea0fA1rienZcain Congress ,ThattheActtoest•blishin ¤¤••¤¤¢1¤¤¤~· the Department of the Interior a Bureau of Mines, approved May six- ,,,Y;§;,,,,‘f· P· ’** wenthinineteen hundred and ten, be, and the same is ereby, amended " att ereis ere ymta in e tmento e terior ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· to Th ashouowsli b blished th De fth In a bureau of mining metallurq, and mineralptgrchnology to be dmig- °°n°'°°°°"°°"' nated the Bureau ot] Mines, an there shall be a director of said bureau, mmm. who shall be thoroughly equipped for the duties of said office by technical education an experience and who shall be appointed y the President, by and with the advice and consent of e Senate, and who shall receive a salary of six thousand dollars per annum; and there shall also bein the said bureau such experts and other employees Knwu. ne. to be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, as may be required to carry out the purposes of this Act in accordance with the appropriations made from time to time by Congress for such purgscs. "Sec. 2. That it shall be the province and duty of the ureau of ccmseeastvvglm- Mines, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, to a¤¤·i?• gnu eco; conduct inquiries and scientific and tschnologic investigations con- ‘“°‘°‘- cerninlgl mining, and t.he preparation, treatment, and utilization of miner substances with a view to improving health conditions, and increasing safety, emciency, economic development, and conserving resources through the prevention of waste in the mming, quarrying, metallurgical, and other mineral industries; to inquire into the economic conditions aifecting these industries; to investigate explosives and peat; and on behalf o the Govemment to investigate the mineral ’"”°"‘ '“°“ °‘°‘ fuels and unnnished mineral products belonging to, or for the use of, the United States, with a view to their most e cient mining, preparation, treatment and use; and to disseminate information con- ,°g_¤=:,¤g;¤~¤¤¢ i¤- ceming these subjects in such manner as will best carry out the pur- ` poses of this Act. _ _ "S¤c. 3. That the director of said bureau shall preiparge and pub- ,,’,§$,'§,°,';",§'c‘__"‘,,{°'{,’,; lish, subject to the direction of the Secretary of the nterior, under ¤¤~¤¢~
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