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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/706

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sec. III. Cris. 73, 79-81. 1913. 683 moneysin the'I‘re•surgnto therwise 'tedthi of seventy-five thousand ollfxs, which sh:HPrli)¢i)r%a8rpe1ided° manner consistent with the purposes hereof as the Secretary of Commerce and Labor may direct. Approved, February 25, 1913. A (IEA}?. 79.-LAn Act Relating to proof of signatures and A RYE? 8 Be it by the0Senate and House opliepresentatives of the Umis 1•¤- ¤¤¤-1 o menca an ongreee aes t in roceed1ng` ¤•¤·¤¤¤ a court or officer of the United States the genuinenzlsa? of the han ting of anydperson may be involved, any admitted or °""°°' royed handwriting of su_ person shall be competent evidence as a basis for comparison witnesses, or b é the jury, court, or officer conducting such proceedmg, to prove or rbsprove such genuineness. Approved, February 26, 1913. _ CHAP. 80.—AnAct'l‘oaa1t.lu1riaethe Buckhanncnand Northern Ra¤ilm•d0un- }•¤¤¤f!&|¤|· p.¤vyaqm,¤ycu¤a0pme.mag¤¤¤aemmpn¤ammmaesae i£”;",;"L of est Virginia. [PINE, ue. sa.] Be it enacted by the8enate and House -Representot•'oes the United mann, States of America in Cbngress aaaembleiif That the Budrqannon and Rgukhngqlg Northern Railroad Company, a corporation organized under the lays map., ..,}.1%, of the State of West Virginia, is hereby authorized to constmct, mam- °“""•• "· '· tain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto, across the Menongahela River, near Catawba, from_a pomt suitable to the interests of ns ation, on the left shore of said river above the mouth of Prickettbjgreek, a. southern tributaiiy to said river in Paw Paw district, to a point on the right shore o said river above the mouth of said Pricketts Creek in Winfield district, all in the county of Marion, m the State of West Virginia, in accordance with the provisionsof the Act entitled "An Act to yulate `the construction_of bridges over "°'·“·P-"· nagigable wawis," approv March twenty-tlurd, nmeteen undred six. mSzc. That ge right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby A'”°"°”`°°°' express y reeerv Approved, February 26, 1913. · ‘ · Ibhuary I, I1! ..¢‘Z'J,.‘ °m.""1‘..i‘°‘.£? ·i.‘l?‘¥S°.2‘..‘°x"‘° ¤¤..· ¤—:J. _A Be itemetedby¢IeeSevmteandHmue oj‘R_K»:ev•tative• ejthe United States zaAmerica in 00Y$I'6&I assembled, county court of m§:•* ¥¤¤·*¤ Kanaw County, West is hereby authorized to construct Kuiawln comm maintain, and o rate a bri ge and approaches thereto, across "},,§,‘§Y‘$'f· °“"’°" over the Great giawha River, at a point suitable to the mterests of navigation, at or near the city of Charleston, Kanawha County, West ml Virginia, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An “•'*°$‘ Act to regilate the construction of bridges over navigable wa.te1s," approved arch twenty-third, nineteen undred 8.l1d·S1X. _

2. That tlée right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby *'°“*‘*°°**·

exp y reserve . Approved, February 26, 1913.