700 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sas. IH. Cue. 90, 91. 1913. intoxicaf liquor is intended, by any person interested therein, to be receivlgf possessed, sold,_or m_ any manner used, either m the original paclrage or otherwrse,Uur violation of any law of such _State, Territory, or istrrct of the _ nrted States, or %l;ee noncontrguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, is here prohibited. Speaker of the House of Repreeentalwes. J. H. GALLINGER, · President of tie Sendo pn temper:. In rm: Snxarz or rn: Urwrran Srrwms, February 28, 1918. The President of the United States having returned to the Senate, in which it originated, the bill entitled "An act drvrsting intoxicating- liquors of their interstate character lD•COTli8lD. cases," with his objections thereto,_ the Senate proceeded, m pursuance of the Constitution to reconsider the same; and, _ RESOLVED, gnat the said bill do pass, two·thirds of the Senate agree` to ass e same. Attzbtg: P Crns. G. Bnmrrrr, Secretary. By H. M. Roan, Assistant 8'ecretary. In TEE Housn or Rnransasnrrvns or mn Um·rm> Snras. March 1, 1918. The House proceeded. in pursuance of the Constitution, to reconsider the bill (S. 4043.) entitled "An Act divesting intoxicating liquors of their interstate character in certain cases," returned to the Senate by the President of the United States, with his objections theretc,,and sent biy the Senate to the House of Representatives, with the message o the President retu the bill: RESOLVED, That the said bill do pass, t of the House of Representatives agreeing to pass the same. Attest: Sotrm Tsrrrnnglak By J C Sourn Uhuf Clerk amen 1, ms. CHAP. 91.-An Act To authorize the use of certain' c|auned` ` __gggg_r___ regrmy or ure Umreq sages norm com rs urs ueruaiiem 1>s»¤iZ°i°riiyi°>r1ii°»'eii gi [Public, Ne. ses.; rmprovernent of the libraries of the United States courts for said district. U,,,,,,,S,,,_,,,,,,,,l Be it enacted Senate and House o Repreaentatwes o the United U,. Q, ,,,,,1,;,,,..; States_o_f America an Congress assembler]? That authority he, and the $**3;;; same is hereby, granted to the judges of the District Court of the rzmecum United States for the Northern District of Ohio to expend, for the enlargement of the libraries of the courts of the United States in the cities of Toledo and Cleveland, the certain unclaimed moneys now rn the regrstrres of the district court of the United States m said cities, m the amount of three hundred and ninety-five dollars and sixty-one cents at Toledo and of six hundred and sixty-five dollars (gi a;25Z‘1le¥eland, interest accumulations ree r o e ormer cu·cu1t court on ' August, nineteen hundred and seven. depomts Pnor to Approved, March 1, 1913.
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