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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/725

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792 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 92. 1913. · ration o ting such such mmuli0nti;r@ i’ifPtrliei]i’l‘in‘ited gtatm or gy any State, pmputyi ximnicipal vernmsnt, or by individuals associations, or comm 91. · d sgiillalso ascertain andreport tiiegrantsofland Value oi land wlpgrghohs, BD It _ . m muon Operating ‘”“"" to any such common camer, or any previous hiépo mc}, property by the Government o the Uni States, or by any State county; or municipal government, and the amount of money; derived from the sale of any portion of such grants and the value o V the unsold portion thereof at the time acquued and at the presmt can etc. time also the amount and·value of any concession and allowance “°°`:;.i°=§°' made by huch common carrier to t.hs_ Government of the [lmted Stat? or E ahiv wuag gzrttgglslpal government m considera- ¤.¤..¤ a me °`i”Y,§’pt Ll gash gourewae pursued, me gzrpninlisgigg iimtilohczgg ”‘-= rescribe the methodo procedureto 0 0 . gozfiifuthlza inves ation, the formmwhich the results of the valuation shlall be submittglq and the classification of the elements that constitute the ascertained value, and such investigation shall show the value of the property of every common camer as a whole apidTsepat1;»t.ely the uh ro8§rtymeachof theseveralStatesan ern riesan the Biiimxif lumbia classified and in detail as harem required. P=¤•¤¤¤¤¤¤•¤•l r•· Msuch igvgdgation shall be commenced within gmx day¤ after; ’°"°"“`“"`°°` °**° ·PP,§;“‘ "°£.,,*·E,"“t;&,°2.;';“..‘}t"‘tl'{"f"° "...,t..i'°‘°°“‘°‘*t.."‘f>“'é...,&.,. .» E

 zseach regular session thereafter   completed.

1><·¢¤¤wn¤. do-.\• *Eyq·_y oommon carrier subject to the provisions 0_ this Act dd i°“°¤°°¤°°’ furnish to the commission or its agenfitf from utrriicetsto timetzngfmmtéiie · · , ro es, con repor _ — Q an(duai:E}i>tlh,•$lruIgi<(ic1I?iiimtsi)records,_and papers, or copies_ of any or all of e same, in aid of such mvestigation and determmauon gl a to e of the ro of said common earner, and shall grant Access sean of thevalu p , .h f ts °'°°°"y" ‘° ““ ‘“°“‘“d°i.“‘° °°“"€.?‘”“‘..‘I.‘2.§i’.°°.$‘.‘Ei°°.?.?’..1?’.."° .i.?J¤.3...'$'Z2".I..i accoun , i)vrliiii?vt¢ii: 1;-Bliluéibd by any such gulydauthorizedtzgent, andoevex srrier h b directe uired coo a wi yilduiliilntiie comnhiissiiirri the workag thrgqvaluation of property in such further particulars and to such extent_as the commission may %{°;‘°‘;§‘}f,;; i,"`,;_ require and direct, and all rules and regulations made by the comss,p.s¤¤$ mission for the purpose of adnnmstering the provisiopsuoh this sect; tion and section twenty of Act shall have the_ u ores an

°"`" °“,°°° °' '£"‘ { Um? °"`°.’.`i"°° °5"§d Ei $$.2   2i‘.'i‘¤°°£.‘?

` t or, e reco s an a _ openliso thelipnspection and examination of the public. _ ."•‘°*“g° gf_°"‘$,’: "Upon the completion of the valuation herein provided for the

.`Z`i¤°¤°° Pm commission shall tliiereafter in like manner keep itse mformed of all

extensions and improvements or other changes in the condition and vars ‘2‘{.“1‘°l"°"?i".’i°rif»‘§".0°$”t‘.Y” smmm tz ereo , an e ,

:.tions, showing such revision and correction classified and as a

whole and separatplyb eaach of hgh; ssirleral State:) alpd Tenitories d th Distri t um ia, w v uations, t original' ° an ¤·r¤>¤· •·>°°¤¤°* §)n·ect;d, shugi: bte tentatiye viillusiticins and shall be reported to ingress t begmmngo sac re arsession. gl¤;,¤y;g§;¤n '* " o enbble the commission to mai; such changes and corrections ° in its valuations of each class of property, every common carrier subjeccth tlolf the provisions dpi this Act shall make such reports and furnish su ormation as e commission may uire. ug_¤g¤&¤gugg¤v&*; "Whenever the commission shall havlemizompleted the tentative nm. valuation of the property of an common carrier, as heroin directed, and before such valuation shali become Enal. the commission shall