712 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. IH. Ch. 93. 1913. orders; of commutation of rations inlieu of the regular established rataon for members of the Corps (female) while on duty in '2..t°“*".m..‘“`.;..2‘££u‘é°i.?i§°u§§°£‘I.”’em“‘lé?.1%“$ii?35‘&%”&2?r“J£§ therein attherateof30cante rati ’(excetthat tth al hosggeil at Fotrtliiayoerd, New lllPe;:c0, 5l))n cents % ratio; s;nd35:°:t·li·e&• en os cents ratio au ' te ?»atients_thel;rein) to be the sgrgdn in charge; azllvertisiug; _¤§,¤g&;f¤¤ ¤•~¤=¤ or_p§1wd1ng to esltsbhshed by btgie Stlnretary of Wa; for men o e w grad te m . sehgq bakers and cooks, the tdtal amonmtmof such prizes atythe variog ‘°‘.§Ef&°.IL“§if £§e°}‘.°°°“m..e‘°°°tr‘3°’ ‘“‘2.“?;‘ ‘°' °‘*‘°fe'Z‘.?’°‘i'°°" °5’°“°°3 , , , presava , issue, s e an "··¢P¤E¤¢¤¤¢¤¤ accounting for subsistence sutmsies for the Arm · and for extraorhnuiunhnn. . . P _ clay: _ _ dmary expense of subsistence of West Point ets wlule attending
eeremony not to exceed $2,000, wluch shall be immediately
,,,,",,,,,,,°‘“"‘,,.,,""""'· ·vR¤?ULARl°; meek $9’09%an’rm¤as‘r¤a7• C0 li f ars: Regular su o Om" the_Quarterm¤ster Cdrps,_i.ucluding their care.and protect.i:>l:n,£•;on-
itoveskznd lseating appgaatus regunred heatms pjiiirgi
_ an qu , recrm an ' States milituglpgnsons; ragga stoves, eud§ee ro¤&, and G: liances_for ooo and serving ood at posts, m the field, and wgen $:**··¤...,¤..· #:?.swm·2:u2#e%$.:y:;:°.i*$¢1t*re:em* ·=·:.,,..**··g heat and llligt éplr x authorized allowz:iuce§:‘1§i1:1art:|i£,for officers an 1 ID lc BD. 8\l1'g00 stationed at and occupying pu quarters at military posts,¤i:>:oigi—¤ cers of the National Guard attending service and grnson schools, and V L for recnnts, guards, hospitals, storehouses, 0 ces, the buildings ° ¤·¤’”- erected at private cost in the operation of the Act approved Ma
and two ; for sale to officers, and inclucg
gig a an blelggine supphes required m the operation of m d . . . . . o sm erases??,..°£..P°¤;°2t:.120P°¤:,'a·':z:*,;*"°*"‘a#·g bakzm mxsfhines an}? eir maintenance where requiregaggr t}$;9l>1el11t(lfah:d $§Zm.°§¥ ‘${.£Js°’?.$§ *.23 £‘}%§.?$d.€°§..'2E°‘1‘°° '°' ‘?l‘°§Z.,°"‘““*“°; _ aces as 3;,:: :-·:·y ·12;::¤·#.:·.:·...···.m:.*::·:,2*l?*°*.;:Z*fs·*z**;:¤£°*°*“° $@*3 _» » _ _ _ un es a ts t lliinnteefglgtes ;_ts 1slandfpossms¤ons;_ for the autl1 iss?es of undry_ mater: or use o general dpnsoners oon5.ned at military posts without pay or allowances, an for applicants for enlistment
- vnl;1l1e)held·1}nde1i·hobserva6on·E authorized issues of soap; for hire of
HWS; ’}$$"2t2‘p0§t“‘?.2i.°§.?f,’ .,.4 ELT:]-?4°;‘°Z’.?°'“’ mf" ““" °‘*“"* · mmercia
so forth; {pr the tableware and meggvfdgdillixlse
,,,,,8% m_ ing mcmitr of for mu; 4:1% and all for the enhsted men, includmd what dkft an _ agnigar or the horses, mules, oxen, ieveral posts and stations and with t)hd the Bteilfgggsfgg gig ease og the several reingfnents of Cavalry, the batteries of Artillery, an suc compames of entry and Scouts as may be mounted- for {ggopnts and for the authorized number of officers’ horses including _ 5img0§o£)the°a;11r;.naé-ls; for seeds and implernents for the
wuiiB!:gmd Phihpunige zptsdgnd on mdrtary reservations in
incident thereto; for aug; for soalldieisilnlifaggiliiéabor md expenses Exim and exchangguogfme, including blank boehssgitdolldgnlgh m rpe, certificates for discharged @ldl&$,·8l1d