Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/755

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732 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sue. III. C¤s.l17, 118. 1913. ?H*¤1!t¤¤;gé- CHA?. 117.-An Act To amend section eight at an Act entitled “Ap Act for ————,,;., Q., n"**·z*;.:·,;·.ez..r*::: .'i;‘i;k‘;",§§°..‘;‘°i:,;J,°·.i...,.°' mmsemt .:·.*.1·.:*..··*...:*.,·*·*.·.i..··*.,,.··*··‘**·l:3·*** ' I I $§:dxthem·ein, and for other purposes, ’ thirtieth, nineteennliiindizd ¤§,:’°·'°°‘ "¢°'°· Be it enacted_by Senate and House of Representatives ey the United V¤1;d34. p. vn. States 3 America on Congress assembled, That section eight of an Act uannimq. entitl "An Act for preventing the manufacture, sale, or trans ortagon of adulterated orhmésbranded car pomopggxls or deleterious leeds, rugs, cmes, an quors an or r atin t afli th ' and for other purposes," apprdved June thirtieth, gindteexi huridgii and six, be, and same is hereby, amended by strikin out the words "Th1rd. _If in package form, and the contents age stated $8 :::-1ms otth we1gthStdor pietasure, they are (pot plainly anld corlpectly; on_ eou eo epackage"an msertmgin 'eu t .. .°k. .. . °r°° W ‘“ ‘°‘*"‘· ,.1.,..1- , .;..1 .3鑤é}§°J.§Z§§1§°’.;i"..$& %`L‘“J{‘.2’ 0‘.1Lh°¤ ‘2.‘}“€°if.1'“ Pc°k°.gc°” €,;,"'{{'g,;m md ,,, in terms of weight, measure, or numerical cmmt: Provided, liowever, ¤¤v¢*¤¤¤v¢¤¤¤•¤- That reasonable variations shall be permitted, and tolerances and also exemptions as to small packages shall be established by rules and gggiagtxnp made m accordance with the provismns of Section three e . I“°'l°°°‘*"‘°‘ Sec. 2. That this Act shall take efect and be in force frqm and 1»,,,,m,,,""'*,,,,,,,,,,,_ after its passage: Prpvnded, however That no penalty of fine, impriszinspgegt, oréoccénhscagéan shalltlge fog any violagion of its pg _ as_ omes uc reign ts A pnor to enghteen mondglifter 0 Pm uc mpc Approved, March 3, 1913. ‘ ¥•¥¤¤ ¤· mi CHAP. 118.-An Act To regulate the officering and manning of vessels subject to

 the inspection laws of the United States.

mens, so. my Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representatives th U ited §,°{F,,,§';,°’},';’;,,,,,, States of America in Oongrees asscmtjled, That sectioiif foityzour •¤¤¤•w· hun _ and sixty-three of the Revised Statutes of the United States, be, and IS hereby, amended to read as follows: ,¤. ,,;’$ _‘fSec. 446;. Any vessel of the United States subject to the rob¤{lj>¤§· N lm F visions of this title or to the mspectwn laws of the United States slhall e>$.m.¥¤4,4, not be namgated unless she shall have in her service and on board °”°·P·“· such C(}Il1*£l0il10I;{•0f licensed cilflicexs and crew as may, in the judgmento e_oc_ mspectorsw ins tth lb - ,°,§‘,§*,$;p_*§¤m_”“‘ her safe navigation. The local iiispecptfbcrs shxiglce ir? tIh‘;cd;m;ai?,d of mspectxon of the vessel an entry of such wmplement of officers and crew, which may be chapged from tune to time by indorsemont on M-» zxcsmsztszs ysszs wsse; M :*;;%,:0* zcudidom -_ · . orsemen su jecttoa _ right of appeal under tions to be made by th Sec t f $:2:;:*;-·:;: ”;;,*;?:ete*; G*¥.;;*s*"1¥·‘s,;*a·1P**°,1·¤i *~·i E ti . _ , pv o ave e power to revise _setas1e,or the ddtermmti ' d.l,l'2,‘l§'$?...i"T °°" "If any such vessel igldepriired of t’l1e0sr;xict;?dl)ca:iiy11iis1i)ri1cbt:ri1iif the ¤Y'¤WW1§·h0¤t the consent, fault, or collusion of the master owner or any person mterested m the vessel, the vessel ma ’ ’ . y proceed on her voyage PWM lf, H1 the p1@ent of the master, she is sumciently manned for Such ,,,,,,,,.,;,8 mmm, voygpez romded, That the master shall ship if obtainable a number eq¤a1¤¤l¤¤· eqn to the numbeliof those whose ’ · by dcscrtin ¤€¥'V¤¤6B he hes been de nved of ¤ OF ¢¤S¤¤lty, who must be of the same grade or of a higher